BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 26 May/June - Mayıs/Haziran 2018

60 BBM / MAYIS-HAZİRAN 2018 • MAY-JUNE 2018 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA age, between 2017 and 2025. The sweet biscuits are ex- pected to dominate the world market as more and more people opt to buy those biscuits among others. According to the Transparency Market Research, plain biscuit dominated the world market that reached 76 billion 385 million USD by the end of 2017. The market of plain biscuit reached 25 billion 480 million USD in the last year. Chocolate biscuits follow the plan biscuits. Besides, sour cream, cheese and spicy biscuits along with fruits and nut biscuits are among the products that the sector expects big attraction. Experts believe that the plain biscuit seg- ment will be the most attractive category in the forecast period between 2018 and 2025. The global salted biscuit market is decreasing compared to the plain and sweet biscuit market in the recent years. The salty biscuit market posted a negative compound annual growth rate of -1.37 percent between 2011 and 2016. The figure reached 24 billion 361 million dollars in 2016. According to the product type, the biscuit market is divided sweet, salted, crackers, stuffed / coated, wafers and others. The sweet biscuit segment will be the most attractive segment in the forecast period due to the grow- ing consumer preference for healthy biscuits. According to source’s type, the biscuit market can be divided into wheat, oats, maize and others. The wheat segment is es- timated to have a significant revenue share of 48.4 per- cent in 2017; it is expected that a significant growth rate will be recorded during the estimation period. Asia Pacific is expected to show a higher growth rate compared to other markets due to a steadily growing customer base. This regional market is estimated to capture a modest an- nual compound growth rate of 4.9 percent. FIERCE COMPETITION EXPECTED Now, various biscuits are being produced by organiza- tions of different sizes. However, today, despite the domi- nance of large-scale production companies, some of the original biscuits are produced by small-scale bakers. As a result, competition in the international arena has become very fierce due to a significant number of international and local players. Many players who want to go one step ahead in the competition are considering the commer- cialization of unique flavors and unique packaging. In ad- dition, producers are turning to new and healthier foods using healthy raw materials to produce biscuits. In other words, the fierce competition in the sector forces compa- nies to make continual innovation and to increase quality. The developing biscuit market continues its trend to- wards the production of healthier biscuit. Today, there is an increasing consumer demand for natural and non- GMO products in the biscuit market. Due to increased tıkça dünya pazarına hakim olacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Transparency Market Research’in raporuna göre, 2017 yılı sonunda 76 milyar 385 milyon dolara ulaşan dünya bisküvi pazarında en büyük payı sade bisküvilerin aldığı belirtiliyor. Geçen yıl sade bisküvi pazarı 25 milyar 480 mil- yon dolar ciroya ulaştı. Sade bisküvi sektörünü çikolatalı bisküvi izliyor. Ayrıca ekşi krema, peynir ve baharatlı biskü- vi ile meyveler ve fındıklı bisküviler de sektörün büyük bü- yük çapta gelişme beklediği ürün gurubu. Uzmanlara göre sade bisküvi segmentinin, 2018-2025 yılları arasındaki tahmini dönemde en cazip kategori olacağı gözü çarpıyor. Küresel tuzlu bisküvi pazarı sade ve tatlı bisküvi pa- zarına nazaran son yıllarda geriledi. Tuzlu bisküvi pazarı 2011’den 2016’yılları arasında yüzde -1.37’lık bir negatif bileşik yıllık büyüme oranı kaydetti. Rakam, 2016’da 24 milyar 361 milyon dolarlık büyüklüğe ulaştı. Ürün türüne göre, bisküvi pazarı; tatlı bisküvi, tuzlu, kra- ker, doldurulmuş / kaplanmış, gofret ve diğerlerine ayrıl- mıştır. Tatlı bisküviler segmenti, sağlıklı bisküvilere yönelik artan tüketici tercihi nedeniyle, tahmin döneminde en ca- zip segment olacaktır. Kaynak türü temelinde, bisküvi pi-