BBM Magazine Issue:28 September-October 2018 / BBM Dergisi Sayı:28 Eylül Ekim 2018
BBM / SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2018 • EYLÜL-EKİM 2018 64 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA the international food market, the bakery industry is experiencing a phase of quick change and the healthy eating trends and the consumer preferences for high quality products must be considered. Bakers will take healthy eating to the next level, according to a food in- dustry expert who has predicted five trends that may shape the market next year, British Baker reports. Prod- uct development will become more focused on health, particularly gut health, Jane Milton told the magazine who is ‘chief inspiration officer’ at the Food & Drink In- novation Network, and has 30 years’ experience in the baking industry. She highlighed five core trends for the bakery sector in 2018. GUT HEALTH Fermented foods such as sourdough and gut health have been “bubbling along” for the past few years. “Sourdough is generally perceived to be better for your gut because the mother dough has a wild yeast rather than an actual yeast. The process of making sourdough bread means the wild yeast neutralises phytic acids in the bread, which makes it easier for you to digest.” She added: “It also means that you get more minerals in these breads be- cause normally phytic acids would stop your body ab- sorbing them. This means that there are many reasons why certain breads are good for you. NATURAL SWEETENERS Inulin is a fibrous carbohydrate, increasingly being used as a sugar and flour replacement, which can be added to baked products such as cakes.. “The great thing about inulin is not only is it a natural sweetener, it has a lot of other benefits in terms of sustaining a good gut, Milton explained. “I personally would use it in products more than stevia because it doesn’t just reduce the level of sugar that you would put in something. Bakers can also use it to bake granola-type bars, cookies, muffins and doughnuts, as well as in bread. I think for the baking in- dustry it’s a great thing.” PLANT-BASED FOODS Vegan and gluten-free products are becoming more mainstream every month, and next year will resemble meat in texture and appearance to appeal to a growing market. “On the bakery side, I think you will see more vegan products. Bakers will be conscious about not put- ting animalbased products into baked goods. SNACKING The food-to-go trend will continue to grow, and more “Yerel şeker ve kakaoyu elde etmek zor olduğundan yüzde yüz yerel unlu mamul elde etmek zordur. Ama bu, yerel eğilimlerden yararlanamayacağınız anlamına gel- mez” diyen Munro, “Şekerlemelerimizde yerel bal kulla- nılıyoruz. Markamızı pazarlamak bizim hikâyemiz işte bu oluyor” ifadelerini kullandı. FIRINDA YENİ EĞİLİMLER Unlu mamuller uluslararası gıda pazarının önemli bir un- suru olduğundan, fırıncılık sektörü hızlı bir değişim süreci- ne giriyor ve yüksek kaliteli ürünler için sağlıklı beslenme eğilimleri ve tüketici tercihleri dikkate alınmalıdır. British Baker’in haberine göre, gelecek yıl pazarı şekillendirebi- lecek beş eğilimi tahmin eden bir gıda endüstrisi uzmanı, fırınların sağlıklı beslenmeyi bir sonraki seviyeye taşıyaca- ğını söyledi. Fırıncılık sektöründe otuz yıllık bir deneyime ve Food and Drinks Innovation Network’te “baş ilham yetkilisi” Jane Milton dergiye yaptığı açıklamada ürün geliştirmenin sağlığa özellikle de bağırsak sağlığına daha fazla odaklanacağını söyledi. Fırıncılık sektöründe bu yılki
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