BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 32 May/June - Mayıs/Haziran 2019
NEWS • HABER 27 BBM / MAY-JUNE 2019 • MAYIS-HAZİRAN 2019 IDMA 2019 anlaşmalara imza attı. Romanya ekibi anahtar teslim üç fabrikanın kurulması için Türk firmalarla anlaşma imzaladı. Katarlı firmalar yem fabrikaları kurmak için Türk firmalarıyla el sıkıştı.” Fuarın, dünya değirmencilik sektörünü bir çatı altın- da buluşturan en büyük organizasyon olduğunu ifade eden Zübeyde Kavraz, “Yaşanan ekonomik daralmaya rağmen İDMA bu yıl da hem katılımcı hem de ziyaret- çiyi memnun etti, fuarımız çok başarılı geçti. 2 bin 968 yabancı ziyaretçiyi ülkemize getirmeyi başardık. Fuara katılan yerli ve yabancı firmalar çok sayıda iş bağlantısı kurdu. Sadece fuar esnasında 150 milyon dolarlık ihra- cat anlaşmalarına imza atıldı. Fuarda kurulan bağlantı- lar sayesinde 350-400 milyon dolarlık daha iş bağlantısı oluşacağını umut ediyorum” diye konuştu. EKONOMİNİN ZİRVESİNDEN TAM DESTEK Ülke ekonomisine büyük katkı sağlayan İDMA Fuarı’nı ziyaret eden Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi (TİM) many, Algeria, Senegal, Oman, Serbia, Tunisia, Spain, France, Mauritania, Madagascar, Zambia, Tanzania and Mali have signed more than 100 agreements and pre- liminary agreements for turn-key flour, feed, pulses and warehouse projects. Romania team signed an agree- ment with Turkish companies for the establishment of three turnkey factories. Qatari companies shook hands with Turkish companies to build feed plants,” she said. FULL SUPPORT FROM THE ECONOMY ADMINISTRATION Zübeyde Kavraz stated that the fair was the biggest organization bringing the world milling industry to- gether under one roof and said “Despite the economic shrinkage, IDMA pleased both the participant and the visitors this year and our fair was very successful. We managed to bring more than 2 thousand 968 foreign visitors to our country. Domestic and foreign compa- nies participating in the fair established numerous busi- ness connections. 150 million dollar export agreements were signed only during the fair. Thanks to the links established at the fair, I hope that there will be a further $ 350-400 million business connection.” Turkey Exporters Assembly (TIM) Chairman Ismail Gülle visited the IDMA Exhibition which contributes im- mensely to the country’s economy and the booths of the exhibitor companies. İsmail Gülle closely interest- ed in exporting companies thanked the organizers of IDMA on behalf of the company owners who expressed their gratitude for the intense participation from abroad. Pointing out that he came across with many different investor profiles, Gülle noted that exports are an indis- pensable instrument for the country. Gülle, who said he was so pleased with the business connections established by the companies at the fair, was accompanied by Erhan Özmen, Chairman of the Southeastern Anatolian Flour Industrialists’ Associa-
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