BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 34 September/October - Eylül/Ekim 2019

COVER STORY • KAPAK DOSYASI 30 BBM / SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2019 • EYLÜL-EKİM 2019 Gerek sağlık gerekse ekonomik açıdan toplum re- fahının sağlanması için gıda güvenliği yaklaşımı her ülkede uygulanması gereken sistemlerden biridir. Şehirleşmenin artması ile gıda üretim ve tüketim sü- recindeki köklü değişiklikler ve gıda kaynaklarındaki değişimler, gıda zincirinin uzamasına, yeni tehlikelerin ortaya çıkmasına veya var olan tehlikelerin şiddetinin artmasına yol açıyor. Günümüzde gıda işleme, üre- tim, dağıtım ve tüketim sürecindeki meydana gelen köklü değişimler nedeniyle tüketiciler, dünyanın her bölgesinde, tükettikleri gıda maddelerinin güvenliği hakkında emin olamamakta ve gıdalardan kaynakla- nan sorunlar daha bir dikkatle izlenmektedir. 2050 yılında dünya nüfusunun 10 milyara ulaşa- cağı ve bu artışın da en büyük kısmının az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde gerçekleşeceği tahmin Food safety approach is one of the systems that should be applied in every country in order to ensure the welfare of society in terms of health and economy. Fundamental changes in the food production and consumption with the urbaniza- tion and changes of the food resources have caused an increase in the food supply and led new threats or increased the current severity of danger. Because of fundamental changes in the food processing, production, delivery, and con- sumption, customers cannot be so sure about the safety of food items they consume and pay more attention to the problem of food sources. It is estimated that the world’s population will reach 10 billion by 2050 and that the largest por- tion of this increase will be realized in less devel- oped and developing countries. Such population increase and urbanization require new approach- es in food safety and systems. Development of plant and animal production and propagation and cultivation techniques, taking under control and prevention of loss before and after harvest, effective food processing, and distribution sys- tems, and innovations like development of new technologies make it stronger to supply foods for the consumption in order to feed people. In line with the objective of healthy, reliable and achievable food, sustainability in food systems is an issue that concerns all stakeholders. For sus- tainable food supply and consumption, all sec- tors should their bid from customers’ behavior to transparent and responsible supply chain, from circular economy to Industry 4.0, from packaging to food waste, from retail to digitization, from the artificial intelligence to innovation. If managers want the production to be in line with hygiene standards and their products to be safe, they need to establish the Food Safety Control Sys- tem and make sure its sustainability. Agricultural production and food production, which are directly related to human health, en- vironment, and economy, are among the main fields of activity of countries and various inter- national organizations. The whole world sets various strategies in the field of food security and safety and integrates food security and safe- ty into its regulations and policies. Food safety and security are threatened by the combination of many problems that are experienced today. Measures to be taken with various collabora- tions in the global sense are essential for ensur-