BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 36 January/February - Ocak/Şubat 2020
BBM / JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 • OCAK-ŞUBAT 2020 66 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA One of the greatest characteristics of Livendo Liquid Sourdo- ugh range of products that we develop in parallel with the needs of our bakers with regards to the sourdough is that we produce the liquid sourdough fermentation through the highest quality lo- cal flours supplied from various regions of Anatolia. Therefore, the breads made with Livendo liquid sourdoughs contain the taste and flavor which have been preferred, liked and used by Ana- tolian people for thousands of years and suitable for our plate. Our liquid sourdough serial which is in demand by the bakers becomes a new product serial which paves the way for produ- cing bread in different flavors, textures and aromas due to its ease of mixing to the dough, stable quality, no need of preparation process of a sponge dough and its readiness for use. Our sup- port to local production has also been as support to the bakery sector simultaneously. The breads produced by liquid sourdough products have been demanded all across Turkey by successfully reaching the end consumer. Accordingly, we, as Lesaffre Turkey, accelerate our efforts to improve our product range. Our utmost priorities are to support bakery products ma- nufacturers, boost the product range and quality they offer and enable the end customer to reach healthy, reliable and nutritious food via the new products to be involved in the Livendo Liquid Sourdough serial. THE BREADS ON THE RACKS ARE FLOURISHING WITH INVENTIS We brought different bread mixes into baker’s use taking the needs of our customers into consideration in 2019. There are wide ranges of products which will appeal to the all taste buds from the most demanded breads worldwide to local breads in Inventis BreadMix family which involves 15 different breadmix. In addition, we have enabled our bakers to diversify their racks with the Breads with Chia seed, Popcorn and Tarhana (soup with dried yoghurt) what we called as the “New generation breads”; Whole Wheat, Rye, Multi-grain and Village Breads which are now classic; and breads for which we offer flavors from the world such as the German Rye, Russian Rye and Scandinavian Bre- ads as well as Einkorn wheat, Buckwheat, Yellow Wheat, Saf- ranbolu and Corn Bread mixes prepared peculiar to the regions. BREAD TASTING EVENTS WILL SPREAD TO TURKEY While we continuously pursue our investments to ensure that the end consumer gets quality products with high nutritional va- lue, we are applying our global vision which we determine as better food and future in a similar way in Turkey. On the one hand, we provide production support to all bakers in Turkey with our 167 years of knowledge; on the other hand, we carry out comprehensive projects aiming at reaching the end consumer. Lastly, we presented the artisan breads developed through special recipes by Lesaffre Turkey’s bakers who are food engine- ers and bakery technicians to the consumers in the taste event held in January 2020 in Ankara and got very affirmative feed- Fırıncılarımızın ekşi hamur konusundaki ihtiyaçlarına pa- ralel geliştirdiğimiz Livendo Sıvı Ekşi ürün çeşitlerimizin gu- rur duyduğumuz en büyük özelliklerinden birisi de sıvı ekşi fermentasyonunu, Anadolu’nun çeşitli bölgelerinden titizlikle temin ettiğimiz en yüksek kaliteli yerli unlarla yapıyor olma- mız. Dolayısıyla Livendo sıvı ekşilerimiz ile yapılan ekmekler Anadolu’nun binlerce yıldır tercih ettiği, sevdiği ve benimse- diği, ağız tadımıza uygun tat ve kokuyu içeriyor. Hamura ka- rışım kolaylığı, stabil kalitesi, gocuk hazırlama sürecinin or- tadan kalkması ve kullanıma hazır olması nedeniyle fırıncılar tarafından rağbet gören sıvı ekşi serimiz, farklı lezzet, doku ve aromalarda ekmek üretiminin de önünü açan bir yeni ürün serisi oldu. Yerli üretime verdiğimiz destek, eş zamanlı olarak fırıncılık sektörüne de bir destek niteliğinde oldu. Sıvı ekşi ürünleriyle üretilen ekmekler, son tüketiciye başarıyla ulaşarak Türkiye çapında yoğun talep gördü. Dolayısıyla biz de Lesaffre Türkiye olarak ürün gamımızı geliştirmeye yönelik çalışmalarımızı hızlandırmış durumdayız. Livendo Sıvı Ekşi serisine eklenecek yeni ürünler ile unlu mamul üreticilerine destek olmak, sundukları ürün çeşit- liliğini ve kalitesini artırmak ve son tüketicinin de sağlıklı,
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