BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 38 May / June Mayıs/Haziran 2020
INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ 56 BBM / MAY-JUNE 2020 • MAYIS-HAZİRAN 2020 This step should be taken sooner or later but we are still considering the best time to start this project, it is definitely on our upcoming strategies. NOODI IS GAINING A STRONG POSITION IN THE MIDDLE EAST MARKET What would you like to say about your investments especially in the instant noodles sector, your produc- tion capacity and the technologies and technical in- frastructure you use? The idea of establishing an instant noodles factory was very new and challenging since most of the noodles sales in our region are dominated by one big player, consumers are used to their brand and it was difficult to introduce a total new competing product. But we relied on our ex- pertise and experience in flour milling to produce better- quality noodles. The factory is fully supplied by Bühler’s high-tech ma- chines and latest production lines, through these state- of-the-art machines, Al-Hazaa experience in flour milling and my experience in mechanical food machinery, we were able to produce a healthy, delicious, halal noodles free of chemicals and preservatives that suits the Arabic taste in terms of flavors and added spices and that com- plies with the highest food safety standards and quality requirements. I also received a lot of support from Mr. Pai from Chuan Soonly Foods Ltd. Company, he helped me a lot during the project and shared many of his know-hows about the instant noodles business. And in a very short time frame our brand Noodi has succeeded in entering the market and gaining a strong position in the markets of Jordan and the Middle East. Our production capacity is 600, 000 pack per day and we are adding a new production line to increase the capacity by additional 480,000 pack/ day. Could you share your workings on the noodle mar- ket and your thoughts on the future of this market? This business is promising because we are seeing a lot of demand on the ready-to-use quick meals such as instant pasta, ready mixes, instant noodles, etc... This demand will be, in my opinion, even higher because the population is growing and because the time today is very precious, in the past people were used to cook every day but in today’s modern life this point has changed, and people tend to have faster meals. Where do you get the raw material you use in pasta and noodles production? The main raw material for our pasta is semolina and for the noodles is wheat flour, these raw materials are sup- plied by our mills in Jordan. We receive the wheat flour and semolina according to special specifications that suit our ilgili olarak; üretim kapasiteniz ve teknik altyapınız ile ilgili neler söylersiniz? Çabuk noodle fabrikası kurma fikri bizim için çok yeni ve riskli bir fikirdi. Çünkü tüm bölgedeki noodle satışları, tek bir büyük oyuncu tarafından domine ediliyor. Tüketi- ciler bu markaya alışmış durumda ve tamamen yeni bir ürünü piyasaya sürerek rekabet etmek hiç de kolay değil. Ancak un değirmenciliğinde sahip olduğumuz uzmanlığa ve tecrübeye güvenerek daha kaliteli noodle çeşitleri üre- tebileceğimizi biliyorduk. Fabrika tamamen Bühler’in son teknoloji makineleri ve üretim hatlarıyla donatıldı. Bu makineler, Al-Hazaa’nın un değirmenciliğindeki tecrübesi ve benim gıda makinelerinde- ki tecrübem sayesinde; kimyasal madde içermeyen aroma ve baharatlar bakımından Arapların ağız tadına uygun, en yüksek gıda güvenliği standartlarına ve kalite gereklilikleri ile uyumlu, sağlıklı, lezzetli ve helal noodle’ları elde ettik. Chu- an Soonly Foods şirketinden Bay Pai’den de büyük destek aldık. Proje safhasında, çabuk noodle işindeki bilgilerini be- nimle paylaştı. Ve Noodi adlı ürünümüz çok kısa bir süre içe- risinde piyasaya girmeyi, Ürdün ve Ortadoğu pazarlarında güçlü bir pozisyon elde etmeyi başardı.
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