BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 39 July/August - Temmuz/Ağustos 2020

COVER STORY • KAPAK DOSYASI 50 BBM / JULY-August 2020 • temmuz-ağustos 2020 hastaneler, eczaneler ve süpermarketlerin yansıra fırınlar da 7/24 çalışarak halka taze ekmek götürerek toplum için ne denli önemli bir sektör olduğunu bir kez daha hepimize hatırlattı. SAĞLIK VE HİJYEN ÖNE ÇIKIYOR Tabii ki bu süreç içerisinde endüstriyel fırıncılığın önemi bir kez daha ortaya çıktı. Artık salt üretim yapmak yetmi- yor; hem ekonomik hem de besin değeri yüksek sağlıklı ürünler üretmek gerekiyor. Ürünlerin hijyenik ortamlarda üretilmesi ve paketlenmesi gerekiyor. Her türlü kriz döne- miyle birlikte ortaya çıkan ekonomik krize karşı üretimin verimli ve minimum fire ile düşük maliyetlerde olması ge- rekiyor. Bir başka deyişle üretimde verim arttırılırken, üre- tim sürecinde firelerin azaltılması artık bir zorunluluktur. Bunun yansıra ekmek israfının önüne geçmek için fırın- cılar kadar tüketiciler de büyük gramajlı ürünler aksine, daha küçük gramajda paketli ürünler tercih etmekte. Artık ihtiyaca yönelik üretim ile endüstriyel fırıncılar; ihtiyacımız kadar ekmek tedariki ile nihai tüketiciler ekmek israfının önüne geçmek zorunda. Bu bilinçle Sarmaşık endüstriyel fırıncılık teknolojilerini geliştirirken ekonomik ve verimlilik ilkesini daima göz önünde bulundurmakta; topluma sağ- closed, shopping malls, theatrical scenes, entertainment venues were all closed and curfews were imposed. In this process, hospitals, pharmacies and supermarkets, as well as bakeries, worked 24/7 and reminded us once again how important the bakery sector is for the society by providing fresh bread to the public. HEALTH AND HYGIENE GAIN MORE IMPORTACE Of course, during this Covid-19 pandemic, once again the importance of industrial baking raised a lot. Now, production is not enough anymore; you have to produce healthy and nutritious bakery products economically. The products need to be produced and packaged in hygienic environments. The production must be efficient and at low costs with minimum wastage against economic cri- sis that occurs with any kind of crisis. In other words, an increase in productivity and wastage reduction during production process is a must now. In addition to this, in order to prevent waste of bread, both consumers and bakers prefer packaged products in smaller weights, rather than large weights. From now on, industrial bakers and consumers have to avoid waste of bread by producing and consuming the right amounts. Adopting this awareness, Sarmaşık develops industrial bakery technologies, always observes the principle of economy and efficiency, and develops the latest bakery technologies for the production of healthy and nutritious products for society. 24,000 PC/HR BUNS AND ROLLS ON ONE LINE Both in normal conditions and in times of crisis, Sarmaşık Group shapes its works with all its units by considering these needs. While reducing the cost of flour storage with its complete stainless-steel indoor silos manufactured in accordance with the latest qual- ity and technology in the raw material storage stage, it also contributes to the increase of product quality with vibrator or air and pneumatic discharge systems. For dough mixing systems, single or double arm spiral indus- trial dough mixers are ideal mixers for all types of dough such as hard, soft and specially blended. With these mix- ers, dough mixing time is shortened compared to other dough mixers and both product quality and productivity increase. In addition, the configuration of dough process- ing systems used in industrial bakeries is determined by considering the needs of customers. Today, producing hearth/tin bread of 6000 pc/h of all types or 24000 pc/h buns and rolls per line is possible. As Sarmaşık Makina, we produce heavy-duty and durable dough make-up systems used for both fully automatic or semi-automatic bread production lines suitable for 24/7 operation. In any kind of disaster or crisis, bread production should not halt and production must continue without any issues.