BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 39 July/August - Temmuz/Ağustos 2020
BBM / JULY-August 2020 • temmuz-ağustos 2020 68 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA Sub-Saharan Africa region, the rate of hungry people to the general population has increased from 20.7% to 24.1% wit- hin the last 5 years. Thanks to the comprehensive programs and campaigns carried out in line with the Millennium Development Goals, significant and steady progress was made towards the so- lution of the hunger problem between the years 2000 and 2015. Unfortunately, as of 2015, there have been negative changes in this situation and the number of hungry people has started to increase again. As of today, the total num- ber of hungry people has reached 850 million. This situation shows us how difficult and inaccessible the United Nations' goal of "Zero Hunger by 2030". One of the most important stages of the "Millennium De- velopment Goals", which was put into effect in 2000 with the cooperation of the United Nations and its affiliated bo- dies, has been to combat hunger. Within the scope of this target, it was aimed to eliminate hunger and malnutrition problems with sustainable programs and campaigns in various regions of the world, particularly in the regions of Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean. As a result of the steady works carried out, very positive results were obtained especially in Asian and Latin American countries. Despite the positive results in African countries, unfortuna- tely, the level reached has been much lower than expected. TERROR INCREASES HUNGER AND POVERTY When the main causes of limited improvement across the continent are analyzed, it is noticed that the main factor is focused on global changes rather than the targets and programs of the United Nations. At this point, it should be particularly emphasized that the main factor in the progress made was the cessation of arms and ammunition flow to the continent following the end of the Cold War, as a result of which ethnic and religious clashes in the continent ended and the African countries entered into a relative stabilization process. However, since 2015, when the first fifteen-year Millen- nium Development Goals came to an end, the increase in hunger across the continent made it necessary to rethink the effectiveness of the program at this stage. Another ba- sic view of the report at this stage is that the rise of hunger on the continent again cannot be considered independently from global developments. Especially in the end of the de- velopment program, the emergence of the African branch of global terrorism and the increase of the activities and inf- luence of the radical organizations in the region have been the main factor in the continuation of the problem of malnut- rition and hunger on the continent. Accelerating terrorism in African countries and, in addi- Birleşmiş Milletler örgütünün 2018 yılında yayınladığı “Gıda Güvenliği ve Beslenme Raporu” na göre dünya genelinde açlıkla mücadele eden insan sayısı, 850 milyona yaklaşmış durumda. Bu aç insanların büyük çoğunluğu Sahra Altı Af- rika bölgesinin ülkelerinde yaşamaktadır. Sahra Altı Afrika bölgesinde aç insanların genel nüfusa oranı son 5 yılda %20 ,7’ den %24,1’ e ulaşmıştır. Milenyum Kalkınma Hedefleri doğrultusunda yürütülen kapsamlı programlar ve kampanyalar sayesinde 2000-2015 yılları arasında dünya genelinde açlık sorununun çözümüne yönelik önemli ve istikrarlı ilerlemeler kaydedilmiş. Ancak ne yazık ki 2015 yılı itibariyle bu durumda olumsuz yönlü değiş- meler yaşanmış ve aç insan sayısında yeniden artışlar başla- mış. Günümüz itibariyle dünya genelinde aç insan sayısı 850 milyona yaklaşmıştır. Bu durum Birleşmiş Milletler’in “2030 Yılına Kadar Açlığa Son” hedefinin ne kadar zor ve ulaşılmaz olduğunu bizlere göstermektedir.
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