BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 41 November/December - Kasım/Aralık 2020
ARTICLE • MAKALE 63 BBM / NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020 • KASIM-ARALIK 2020 başlangıç. Örneğin tahılda az olan metiyonun takviyesi başka bir tarım ürünü olan mısırdan alınabiliyor. 2008’de vücudun kalsiyum emilimin artıran değiştirilmiş havuçlar yaratıldı. Daha fazla protein içeren patates, daha fazla omega 3 ve omega 6 yağına sahip keten tohumu protein- ce zenginleştirilmiş ürünlere örnek. CRISPR-Cas9 yöntemi ile mutfaklarınızda, alerjiyi te- tiklemeyen yer fıstığına, et kadar yüksek protein taşıyan mercimeğe yer açın. YENİ TATLARA TAT BELLEĞİNİZDE YER AÇIN Baharat ve İpek yollarının keşfi tat zenginliğini yaratmış umaminin keşfi ile lezzet paleti iyice zenginleşmişti. Mo- dern insan son 1000 yılın tat belleğini geleceğe taşıma konusunda oldukça hevesli adımlar atmışken; önümüz- deki yıllarda hiç bilmediğimiz yeni tatları keşfedeceğiz. Anadolu ata tohumu dalgasıyla uğraşırken tarımda tek- noloji Silikon Vadisinin çoktan dikkatini çekti bile. Impos- sible Foods sürdürülebilir çevre dostu köfte olarak çoktan zincir oldu bile. Kimileri doğal olmayan gıda diye savaş bayrağını açsa da “dost teknoloji” kavramı tarım ve gıda magazine, in the next decade, genetic and bio molecular science will enrich agricultural prod- ucts in terms of desired proteins and vitamins. The CRISPR Cas9 enzyme, the world's most effective DNA scissors, is radically changing biotechnology and genetics. CRISPR enables the genes in human DNA to be rearranged by cut-copy-paste method, just like writing on a computer. Is the CRISPR Cas9 method a chance or the end for super-perfect babies in the womb or perfect foods? The forms, fluidity, taste, dura- bility and pleasure of foods are all just the be- ginning for the foods of the future. For example, the supplement of methionine, which is low in grain, can be taken from another agricultural product, corn. In 2008, modified carrots were created that increase the body's absorption of calcium. Potatoes with more protein, flaxseed with more omega 3 and omega 6 fats are ex- amples of products enriched with protein. With the CRISPR-Cas9 method, make room in your kitchens for peanuts that do not trigger allergies and lentils as rich in protein as meat. MAKE ROOM FOR NEW TASTES IN YOUR TASTE MEMORY The discovery of the spice and silk routes created a richness of taste, and the flavor pal- ette was enriched with the discovery of umami. While modern people have taken very enthusiastic steps to carry the taste memory of the last 1000 years to the fu- ture, we are going to discover new flavors we never knew in the forthcoming years. Technology in agriculture has already caught the attention of Silicon Valley as Anato- lia is dealing with the ancestral seed wave. Impossible Foods has already become a chain as a sustainable eco-friendly meatball. Although some raise the flag of war labeling it as unnatural food, the concept of "friendly technology" will become the future of the agriculture and food industry. Let the commercials of free-range roaming chickens go, it seems that eggs without chicken will set the agen- da in the future of food. While eating Chef Heston Blu- menthal's "sound of the seas" dish, the diners listened to the sound of the waves to enhance the flavors of the seafood. The shape of the plate, the crunch of the chips and the humming in the background are all factors that affect the taste and pleasure of the food. After "neuro- gastronomy" is now the main squeeze of agriculture and
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