BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 42 January/February - Ocak/Şubat 2021

COVER STORY • KAPAK DOSYASI 32 BBM / JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2021 • Ocak-Şubat 2021 Türkiye’nin makarna ihraç birim fiyatı ton başına yüzde 8,9 artışla 518 dolar olarak kayıtlara geçti. İHRACAT FİYATIMIZ DÜŞÜK, HAK ETTİĞİ YERDE DEĞİL Pandeminin yol açtığı olumsuzluklarla mü- cadele içinde geçen 2020 yılında gıdaya yö- nelik artan talep ve uluslararası kısıtlamalara rağmen, ülkemizin temel gıda maddeleri an- lamında hiçbir sıkıntı yaşanmadı. Pandemiye rağmen sektörümüz ülkemizdeki insanların ih- tiyacını tam ve eksiksiz olarak karşılarken, aynı zamanda ihracatını da artırmayı başararak yüz akı oldu. Ancak bu olumlu ve güzel gelişmeleri gölgele- yen bir unsur, ihraç fiyatlarımız oldu. Sektörümüz üretim ve ihracatıyla 2020’de başarılı bir sınav ve- in value. This situation had a limited reflection on the export unit price and Turkey’s pasta export unit price per ton was recorded as $518 with an 8.9% of increase. OUR EXPORT PRICE IS LOW, NOT WHERE IT DESERVED Despite the increasing demand for food and in- ternational restrictions in 2020, which ended by struggling with the negative effects of the pandem- ic, there was no problem in terms of basic food- stuffs in our country. Despite the pandemic, our industry has been a pride by meeting the needs of the people in our country fully and completely, at the same time by increasing its exports. However, a factor that overshadowed these posi- tive and good developments was our export prices. While our industry was passing a successful test in 2020 with its production and exports, our export prices unfortunately remained below our expecta- tions again. According to TurkStat data, our exports in the 11 months of 2020 were up by 14.2% compared to the same period of the previous year, amounting to 1.34 million tons, and increased 24.4% in value to $694 million. However, although our 11-month average ex- port unit price increased from $476/ton last year to $518/ton, it is seen that our export price actu- ally did not increase enough when the prices of durum wheat are taken into account. As we have always stated as MUSAD, unfortunately, our export price did not reach the level it deserves in 2020. Our industry, which met the needs of our people and managed to increase its exports despite the pandemic, failed again in value-added exports and brands. Despite the favorable international conjuncture, such as the increase in raw material prices and the high demand for basic foodstuffs, the increase in our export prices remained limited. LET’S STRENGTHEN IMAGE OF TURKISH PASTA If we do not attach importance to value-added production and brand in exports, and the system does not support this, we continue to transfer an important value such as durum wheat at low ex- port prices. Therefore, we should take steps to strengthen the image of Turkish Pasta in exports