BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 42 January/February - Ocak/Şubat 2021

ARTICLE • MAKALE 60 BBM / JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2021 • Ocak-Şubat 2021 un değirmeni, tahıl siloları ve bir makarna fabrikası iş- letiyor. Al-Hazaa’nın üstlendiği projelerin çoğu, grubun sıfırdan planlayıp kurduğu ve ülke pazarlarında muaz- zam satışlar ve büyük pazar payı elde edene kadar başarıya taşıdığı yeni projelerdi. Al-Hazaa Grubu’nun 2021 yılı sonunda Ürdün’de buğday öğütme kapasite- si 2.100 ton/gün; Mısır’da 2.000 ton/gün; Irak'ta 850 ton/gün; BAE'de 600 ton/gün olacak, bu da grubun toplam buğday öğütme kapasitesinin 5.550 ton/güne tekabül ettiğini gösteriyor. Al-Hazaa Grubu, yalnızca Ürdün’de özel sektördeki en büyük tahıl depolama kapasitesine, en büyük kısa ve uzun makarna üretim fabrikasına, Ürdün’deki ilk ve tek hazır erişte fabrikasına, bölgedeki tek yem flake hattını da içeren yüksek teknolojiye sahip bir hayvan yemi fabrikasına, Ürdün’ün ilk ve tek mısır fabrikası ile yıllık 150 milyon torba kapasiteli en büyük plastik tor- ba fabrikasına da sahiptir. Ayrıca, Grubun Ürdün’deki tüm projeleri, Ürdün’deki en büyük özel kullanım gü- neş enerjisi santrali olan Al-Hazaa Yenilenebilir Enerji mills, Grain Silos, and a Pasta factory. Most of the proj- ects that Al-Hazaa undertook were greenfield projects that the group planned and established from scratch and carried them to success until they achieved enormous sales and large market share in the countries' markets. By the end of 2021 Al-Hazaa Group’s wheat milling ca- pacity will be 2100 tons/day in Jordan; 2000 tons/day in Egypt; 850 tons/day in Iraq; and 600 tons/day in UAE which equals to the total of 5550 tons/day of wheat mill- ing capacity for the group. In Jordan alone, Al-Hazaa Group has the largest ca- pacity of grain storage in the private sector, the biggest short and long pasta production factory, the first and only instant noodles factory in Jordan, an animal feed plant with high-technology, including the only Feed Flaking line in the region, the first and only maize mill in Jordan and the biggest plastic bags factory with a capacity of 150 million bags/year. In addition to the group’s solar power plant in Jordan that supplies all the group’s projects in Jordan with green solar energy produced by Al-Hazaa Company for Renewable Energy that is the biggest private-use solar power plant in Jordan, making all Al- Hazaa group’s activities and investments in the country 100% sustainable and eco-friendly. The power plant has a production capacity of 21 MWatts/day. One of the latest projects of Al-Hazaa group is building a Bakery Development Center in Daba’a, Jordan in col- laboration with MIWE, the center will support the group’s activities in the field of flour and bakery ingredients pro- duction, especially to innovate and develop products according to the needs of customers and to their satis- faction. The bakery center will also receive support from the mills’ laboratory concerning baking and rheological analysis. Today we find that Al-Hazaa Investment Group has made a long journey since its establishment in 1942, achieving gradual progress through this journey. The Chairman is fully aware that in order to carry on this suc- cess and to expand it further, the group should continue providing high-quality products and services, as he said: "We always strive to develop and we care about using innovative methods and advanced solutions that will con- tribute to the development of the industrial field, through following up with the new technologies and advance- ments of this field. Our remarkable ability to achieve accomplishments stems from our strategy and our interest in achieving production efficiency, and from our ambitions to become