BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 42 January/February - Ocak/Şubat 2021
BBM / JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2021 • Ocak-Şubat 2021 66 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA rye. Many different types of prolamine fall under the umbrella of the gluten family and can be classified ac- cording to the types of grain in which they are found. The prolamines found in wheat are called gluten and gliadin, those found in rye are called secaline, and those found in barley are called hordein. Gluten provides a wide variety of functional bene- fits in the human nutrition process. Gluten types are directly responsible for the soft and chewy texture of mostly grain-based foods, especially breads. When gluten proteins are heated, they form an elas- tic mesh that can stretch and trap air inside. The air trapped in the dough texture also allows ideal swelling and natural preservation of moisture in breads, pastas and other similar products. Gluten is often used as an additive in a variety of processed foods from the- se unique and unique distinctive properties, both to improve texture and to stimulate the food to retain the necessary moisture. Even though gluten-free diets and gluten-free food options are more common than ever today, gluten does not actually pose any health risks for the vast majority of the population. However, individuals with celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten in their bodies and may have harmful, adverse reactions to gluten. For this reason, individuals with celiac disease should eliminate gluten from their diet. The bakery products segment, which includes glu- ten-free bread, cookies, cakes and scones, is expec- ted to reach the fastest CAGR of 10.4% over the fo- recast period. TOP MARKET PLAYERS Some of the leading and top Gluten-free Products companies in the global Gluten-free Products market include Kelkin Ltd, Boulder Brands Inc., Raisio PLC, Enjoy Life Natural Brands Llc, H.J. Heinz Company, General Mills Inc., Hero Group AG, Quinoa Corporati- on, and Dr. Schär AG/SPA among others. The leading five players are expected to hold around 40% market share of the global Gluten-free Products market. The gluten free products market size is segmented based on product and distribution channels. Based on product type, the worldwide Gluten-free Products market can be segmented into Bakery Products, Dairy/ dairy alternatives, Meats/ meats alternatives, Condiments, seasonings, spreads, Desserts & ice- creams, Prepared foods, Pasta and rice and Others, gınlığının ürün talebini artırması bekleniyor. GLÜTEN NEDİR? Glüten, buğday, arpa ve çavdar gibi bazı tahıllarda do- ğal olarak bulunan ve prolamin adıyla bilinen bir depo pro- tein ailesine verilen isimdir. Pek çok farklı prolamin türü, gluten ailesinin şemsiyesinin altına girer ve bulundukları tahıl türlerine göre sınıflandırılabilir. Buğdayda bulunan prolaminlere glutenin ve gliadin çavdarda bulunanlara se- kalin ve arpada bulunanlara hordein deniliyor. Gluten, insan beslenmesi sürecinde çok çeşitli fonksi- yonel faydaları sağlar. Gluten türleri çoğunlukla tahıl bazlı gıdaların, özellikle ekmeklerin ortak özelliği olan yumuşak ve çiğnenebilir dokularının oluşmasından doğrudan so- rumludur. Gluten proteinleri ısıtıldıklarında, esneyebilen ve için- de havayı hapsedebilen elastik bir ağ oluşturur. Hamur dokusunun içinde hapsedilen hava da ekmeklerde, ma- karnalarda ve diğer benzer ürünlerde ideal kabarmaya ve nemin doğal olarak korunmasına izin verir. Gluten bu ken-
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