BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 43 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2021

54 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / MARCH - APRIL 2021 • MART - NİSAN 2021 try. The opening of businesses with personal preferences, not with the consultancy or guidance of any institution, has created a supply well above the demand in some regions and this situation drags all businesses in that re- gion into an economic impasse. This situation avoids the sector from developing itself, creating employment and economic added value. Even worse, enterprises that fall into economic bottlenecks in the bakery sector may re- sort to practices that threaten public health. On the other hand, the state also suffers tax loss due to the closed businesses. To prevent this, bread production should be done in a planned way and a population-based system should be developed (e. g. one oven per 10,000 population). In ad- dition, a distance of 1,500 meters must be imposed be- tween the bakeries. If this is achieved, bakery enterprises will use their capacities effectively and efficiently, they will be able to closely monitor the developments in the sector and reduce costs. This will provide the consumer with the opportunity to reach higher quality products at a much lower cost. What would you like to say about the big supermar- ket chains' selling bread cheaper? The fact that supermarkets, which have recently in- creased and hold a wide sales network, make bread as a trading material and resort to the method of attracting customers by selling it below its cost is a crucial blow to the sector. In this case, our bakers who struggle to survive face unfair competition. The current system directs the bakers to low cost and poor quality production. Determin- ing the base price together with the ceiling price in bread will eliminate both unfair competition and loss of quality. In this way, bread, which is closely related to public health, will cease to be a trade material and come to our tables more healthily. When wheat prices increase, flour companies may increase their prices. However, why is it always a prob- lem for the bakers, to increase their bread prices al- though they bought the flour with the increased price? It is not the bakers who produce the wheat or the flour. The bakers who purchase flour for a higher price from the flour companies and make bread with it are being blamed. Because politics is being done in our country over the product they are producing. This is not compat- ible with the free market economy at all. If the state says bread shall not be affected by inflation, then it has to sub- sidize the bakers' loss. Otherwise, hard times will await the bakers in the face of the exorbitant increase in the prices of raw materials. Unfortunately, there will be a sig- nificant amount of bankruptcies in the sector in the forth- coming period. töründe ciddi şekilde işyeri enflasyonu oluşmuş du- rumda. İşletmelerin herhangi bir kurumun danışmanlığı ya da yönlendirmesi ile değil, kişisel tercihlerle açılması bazı bölgelerde talebin çok üzerinde arz yaratmış ve o bölgedeki tüm işletmeleri ekonomik çıkmaza sürüklüy- or. Bu durum sektörün kendisini geliştirememesine, istihdam ve ekonomik katma değer yaratamamasına neden oluyor. Daha da vahimi; fırıncılık sektöründe ekonomik darboğaza düşen işletmeler halk sağlığını tehdit edici uygulamalara sapabilmektedirler. Diğer taraftan devlet de kapanan işletmeler nedeni ile vergi kaybına uğramaktadır. Bunun önüne geçmek için ekmek üretimi planlı bir şekilde yapılmalı ve nüfusa dayalı bir sistem geliştirilmeli (10.000 nüfusa bir fırın düşecek şekilde). Ayrıca fırın sayısına 1.500 metre mesafe şartı getirilme- lidir. Bu durum gerçekleştiği takdirde fırın işletmeleri kapasitelerini etkin ve verimli kullanacak, sektördeki