BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 43 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2021

66 BBM / MARCH - APRIL 2021 • MART - NİSAN 2021 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA one child dies of starvation every 5 seconds and the dis- eases faced by those who do not have access to clean water are all the basis of the responsibilities of those who have the bread. 2021 is “the zero point of making dignified decisions". Nowadays, the will to share as well as owning the bread is one of the most important factors that serve the future of bread. While trends are announced, on the one hand, fair sharing in food will determine the future of bread on the other. In this case, 2021 can be spoken together with the con- cept of "Bread in the Shadow of Craftsmanship". Craftsman- ship takes it as a principle to make and share bread, to measure it on the same scales, and to share it fairly with conscience notebooks before going to bed. Learning the history and philosophy of bread as much as we learn how to bake bread at home will determine the future of Ana- tolian bread. The "agricultural civilization", which took root with the cultivation of grain, created a 12 thousand-year "history of civilization". Whatever the earth has lived has stuck to the memory of the seed. Years when history and the new are only a dream... The letters did not remain as they had been set. Particularly, "life did not fit the dream" at all, as Oğuz Atay put it. Humanity plane had already changed the pointer of time while taking root. Ancient wisdom presented secrets on a silver platter to those who observe nature, open their hearts and look with their hearts. Those who followed in the footsteps of the seed found their traces in their roots and left traces for thousands of years later. The first table was set in Paradise, next to the sacred rivers in Göbeklitepe. Animals and celestial bodies, which are made of standing stones, have made history about the visual representations of the difference between looking and seeing with sharp objects. The first examples of the art with kneaded dough became the lifeblood of many civilizations, such as the Su- merians, Assyrians, Hittites, Byzantines, Romans, Seljuks, and Ottomans. Whatever is in natures' hands has been shaped by women in ancient times. The women setting tables were fermenting the culture with the decisions they make. The first architectural preferences, the first lines, and the first cookware-bakeware had been shaped by women. Vergilius Eurysaces was beside the Roman ruler. He brought kings to their knees, turned grain into gold and dough into jewelry. The musicians playing the flute donated silence to the dough so that whoever eats could hear his own voice. Every dough he processed aroused admiration, sorumluluklarına temel oluşturmakta. 2021 “haysiyetli kararlar vermenin sıfır noktası” şimdilerde ekmeğe sahip olmak kadar paylaşma yönünde irade koy- mak ta ekmeğin geleceğine hizmet eden en önemli fak- törlerden. Bir tarafta trendler açıklana dursun diğer tarafta gıdada adil paylaşım ekmeğin geleceğini belirleyecek. Hal böyleyken 2021 “Zanaatkarlığın Gölgesinde Ekmek” kavramıyla konuşulabilir. Zanaatkârlık ekmek yapmayı, paylaşmayı aynı terazide ölçüp biçip uykuya varmadan vicdan defterleriyle adil paylaşımı düstur edinir kendine. Evde ekmek yapmayı öğrendiğimiz kadar ekmeğin tarihini, felsefesini öğrenmek Anadolu ekmeğinin geleceğini belir- leyecek. Tahılın kültüre alınmasıyla birlikte kök salan “tarım medeniyeti” 12 bin yıllık “medeniyet tarihini” yarattı. Yeryüzü ne yaşadıysa beleğine ilişti tohumun da zanaatkârlığında. Tarihin yeni zamanın düş olduğu yıllar. Harfler dizildiği gibi durmuyordu, hele Oğuz Atay’ın söylediği gibi hiç uymuyordu “hayat hayale”. İnsanlık çınarı kök salmaya başlarken zaman ibresini çoktan değiştirmişti. Kadim bilgiler doğayı izleyene, içini açanlara, kalbiyle bakanlara sırlar hediye etti gümüş tepside. Tohumun iz- inden gidenler kökünde izini buldu, izler bıraktı binlerce yıl sonraya. Cennette ilk sofra kuruldu Göbeklitepe’de kutsal ırmakların yanı başında. Dikili taşlara işlenen hayvan ve gök cisimleri bakmakla