BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 43 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2021

76 CONSUMPTION RESEARCH • TÜKETİM ARAŞTIRMASI BBM / MARCH - APRIL 2021 • MART - NİSAN 2021 can be filled with various materials and consumed in this way. Puccia is the popular bread of the Veneto region. The puccia, prepared with olive oil and leavened dough, is cooked in small balls. Another bread belonging to the Veneto region is Ciabatta. Ciabatta is prepared using wheat flour, water, salt and yeast. Ciabatta, consumed mostly as sandwich bread, was first made to create an alternative to French bread loaf. Pane di segale, a bread of the Aosta Valley region, is the leavened and wholemeal bread made from rye flour. Pane di segale, traditionally made by families living in the Alps of Italy, is known to be a type of nutritious bread some- times mixed with wheat, millet, corn and chestnut. Grissini is a kind of Italian bread, which almost dates back to the 14th century and is well known all around the world. Grissini, which is being consumed these days more as a snack, is prepared with multi-purpose wheat flour, olive oil and yeast. Focaccia, which is prepared in a similar way as the pizza dough and decorated with vegetables and other ingredi- ents, is flavored with olive oil and rosemary. Focaccia is very popular as a snack and among the street food, as well as being consumed as bread at the meals. Panettone, a kind of Christmas bread, is prepared with multi-purpose wheat flour, sugar, rum, yeast and flavoring aromas such as raisins, lemon juice and honey are added to the dough. One of the bread consumed in the inner parts of Italy is neccio. Neccio bread is made from very fine ground chestnut meal. Pre- pared by adding sourdough, water and salt, neccio is also consumes with such stuffing ingredients such as cheese or honey. Pane di terni, a Tuscan bread, is different from other Italian bread types. Pane di terni, prepared with wheat flour, yeast, mineral water and rye does not include salt and can be served with cheese, ham and sausage. Tortano bread, also known as Casatiello, is popular in the Campania region and is consumed predominantly on re- ligious holidays. This bread, which is prepared with flour, yeast, tail fat, cheese and ham, is also sometimes flavored with eggs. Gerda bread, which is a type of light bread, is also Sicilian bread. Prepared with small pieces of tail fat, Gerda bread is a kind of thin bread that does not so much swell. PIZZA MARKET IN ITALY Pizza market in Italy registered a positive compound an- nual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.79% during the period 2014 to 2019 with a sales value of EUR 489.03 Million in 2019, an in- crease of 3.04% over 2018. The market achieved its stron- gest performance in 2018, when it grew by 3.24% over its previous year and its weakest performance in 2015, when it increased by 2.39% over 2014. dendir. Zeytinyağı ve mayalı hamur ile hazırlanan puccia küçük toplar halinde pişirilmektedir. Veneto yöresine ait bir diğer ekmek ise Ciabatta’dır. Ciabatta; buğday unu, su, tuz ve maya kullanılarak hazırlanmaktadır. Daha çok sand- viç ekmeği olarak tüketilen ciabatta, ilk kez, Fransız somun ekmeğine alternatif yaratmak için yapılmıştır. Aosta Vadisi bölgesinin bir ekmeği olan Pane di segale, çavdar unundan yapılan, mayalı ve kepekli bir ekmektir. Pane di segale, geleneksel olarak İtalya’nın Alplerinde yaşayan aileler tarafından yapılan, zaman zaman buğday, darı, mısır ve kestane de karıştırılarak daha besleyici hale getirilen bir ekmek olarak bilinmektedir. Neredeyse 14. yüzyıla dayanan geçmişi ve dünya geneline yayılmış ünüyle grissini de bir İtalyan ekmek çeşididir. Günümüzde daha çok atıştırmalık olarak tüketilen grissini, çok amaçlı buğday unu, zeytinyağı ve maya ile hazırlanmaktadır. Pizza ham- uruna benzer şekilde hazırlanan ve sebze ya da başka malzemelerle üzerine harç hazırlanan Focaccia, zeytinyağı ve biberiye ile tatlandırılır. Focaccia yemeklerde ekmek olarak yer aldığı gibi, atıştırmalık ürünler ve sokak yeme- kleri arasında da oldukça popülerdir. Bir çeşit Noel ekmeği olan panettone, çok amaçlı buğday unu, şeker, rom, maya ile birlikte hazırlanmaktadır ve hamurunun içine kuru üzüm, limon suyu, bal gibi tatlandırıcı aromalar da eklenmektedir. İtalya’nın iç bölgelerinde tüketilen ekmeklerden biri de neccio’dur. Neccio ekmeği oldukça ince öğütülmüş kes-