BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 44 May/June - Mayıs/Haziran 2021

62 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / MAYIS - HAZİRAN 2021 • MAY - JUNE 2021 ties in the supply of energy, water and food due to the increase in world population. She describes the industrial biotechnology, which is achieved by blending the findings in biology with the en- gineering, as the course of action that should be embraced by the humanity in order to overcome these difficulties. Reaching a volume of $315 billion globally, in- dustrial biotechnology is appealing not only for the share of wealth it delivers, but also for other benefits it has to offer. That’s because the industrial biotechnology pro- duces sustainable solutions which are both more efficient and capable of maintaining environmental balances in energy, water and food supply. If our country can catch up with this revolution- ary global change, we will become economi- cally independent. We will become stronger in ensuring the security of our food supply which is strategically important. No doubt that the way to catch this transformation in a timely manner is through strong R&D activities. The success achieved by LIVZYM in industrial production based on its R&D activities of more than 6 years (the very first invoice was issued 6 years and 4 days after its establishment) re- lies on very good lessons to be taken by other enterprises aiming at a production with a high technological added value. We are a strong country, home to a population of 84 million, with an exceptional background, geographical and cultural wealth. Thanks to this experience, I have full faith in us that we will be able to carry out the organization required to transform our economy into a structure that pro- duces outcomes with a high added value. As a scientist, what are your recommenda- tions to our young people? If I would give them any advice towards a goal, I would firstly recommend that they make sure whether they will be passionately and en- thusiastically attached to that particular goal. If not supported by proper passionate feelings, chances are the efforts put into this way will fail. It will never be possible to master on any sub- ject without working days and nights for at least 15 years. Without a production, it is very diffi- cult to get rich in every sense. Frankly, I would Kuracak?” şeklinde çevirmek doğru olacaktır. Belki de bu sorunuzun en güzel cevabı da bu çalışmada veriliyor. Hockfield, artan dün- ya nüfusu nedeniyle insanlığın; enerji, su ve gıda tedarikinde giderek daha büyük zorluk- larla karşı karşıya kaldığına dikkat çekiyor. Biyolojideki tespitleri mühendislik ile harman- layarak ulaşılan endüstriyel biyoteknolojiyi, bu zorlukları aşmak için insanlığın yönelmesi gereken alan olarak niteliyor. Küresel anlamda 315 Milyar $’lık bir hacme ulaşan endüstriyel biyoteknolojinin yarattığı zenginlikten pay almak, maddi boyutun dışın- da başka cazip yönlere de sahip.