BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 44 May/June - Mayıs/Haziran 2021

66 ARTICLE • MAKALE BBM / MAYIS - HAZİRAN 2021 • MAY - JUNE 2021 ren entegre bir sistem. Akman, "Paketlemeyi otomatik- leştirmek için, önceden yapıştırılmış kutulardan oluşan önceki çözümü bir kenara attık ve yeni paketler geliş- tirdik" diye açıklıyor. "Kutu paketleyici çok hassas oldu- ğundan ve paketler üzerinde yalnızca küçük tolerans- lar gerektirdiğinden, daha sıkı boşluklar kullanabilir ve ambalaj malzemesi miktarını azaltabiliriz" diye ekliyor. Hat tasarımına yönelik 2'si 1 arada çözüm, öncelikle yerden tasarruf sağlamayı ve esneklik sunmayı amaçlı- yordu: Her iki kutu paketleyici de birbirinden bağımsız hareket edebiliyor. Akman, şirketin genel merkezine yaptığı ziyaretlerde yönetime, TLM hattının çikolata ürünlerinin ambalajlanmasına yüksek düzeyde esnek- lik ve verimlilikle katkı sağlayacağını anlattı. Akman, “Mehmet, Erol ve Zeki Tören'i eşsiz modüler makine konseptimize ikna etmeyi başardım” diyor. Yeni paket- leme makinesi Kasım 2019'dan bu yana Anadolu'nun Gaziantep şehrinde faaliyet gösteriyor. Robot teknolojisi ve Transmodul ile verimli Schubert’in yerden tasarruf sağlayan çözümü, ürün- leri yalnızca dört makine şasisinde paketler ve montaj, other, with an integrated system that includes two case packers. “To automate packaging, we discarded the previous solution of pre-glued boxes and we de- veloped new cartons,” Akman explains. “Because the case packer is very accurate and requires only small tolerances on the cartons, we can use tighter blanks and reduce the amount of packaging material,” he adds. The 2-in-1 solution for the line design was pri- marily intended to save space and offer flexibility: Both case packers act independently of each other. During his visits to the company’s headquarters, Akman ex- plained to the management the high level of flexibil- ity and efficiency that the TLM line would contribute to the packaging of chocolate products. “I succeeded in convincing Mehmet, Erol and Zeki Tören of our un- matched modular machine concept,” says Akman. The new packaging machine has been in operation in Ga- ziantep, Anatolia, since November 2019. Efficient with robot technology and the Transmodul Schubert’s space-saving solution packs the prod- ucts in only four machine frames and includes erect- ing, filling and sealing. Modern robot technology and two Transmodul lines raise efficiency to a high level. The two case packers in the TLM system are fed inde- pendently of each other by two existing flow-wrapping machines. First, the chocolate products are sorted into two grouping chains in the new line. In parallel, an F2 robot erects the boxes and places them alternately onto one of the two separate Transmodul sections. The transport robots developed by Schubert seam- lessly link the individual process steps in the packag- ing line and ensure an efficient process. Each Trans- modul section includes one grouping chain and one F2 filling robot. The transport robots bring the erected boxes to their filling station. There, the line decides whether the respective partial line is to be used fur- ther. If the associated flow-wrapping machine is at a standstill, the cartons are not filled and the Transmodul waits until products are supplied again. “This ensures that there are always boxes ready to be filled on both lines,” Akman explains. At the end of the process is an F2 closing robot: It closes the boxes alternately from both Transmodul sections. The filled and closed boxes are then discharged. “If the filling robots ever lose a product, a vacuum monitor sounds the alarm,” Ak- man adds. In this case, the incompletely filled carton is sorted out to ensure flawless packaging quality. Due to process inte- gration with the help of the Transmodul and the intelligent ma- chine control, the entire system adjusts fully automatically to the output of the flow-wrapping machines. This ensures Tören an efficient and consistent production process.