BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 45 July/August - Temmuz/Ağustos 2021

58 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / TEMMUZ - AĞUSTOS 2021 • JULY - AUGUST 2021 We already used to be a strong supplier, but with this investment, we proved that we are a strong supplier by accelerating our production. Thanks to these invest- ments, we are constantly expanding our product range. Our machines not only ease the workload of the industry, but also serve as visual objects for companies. Now, in many bread production points you enter, our bakery ma- chines stand out at first glance. In the past, ovens were installed in the most secluded corners of the enterprise. Now our ovens are installed in the most favourite places of businesses. Because they provide visuality that com- pletes the business. They provide integrity. Recently, industrial bakeries have become very pop- ular all around the world. You also have production for this field. What do you think about and expect from the industrial bakery? Business partnerships are made with intermediary firms abroad in order to carry out larger scale business- es. In this industry, where we have crossed the borders of the country, we strive to be the reason to start the business with confidence for every baker. We are aware that the interest in this sector is increasing rapidly. Our existence in both micro and macro dimensions brings us closer to our goals. We relaxed those who want to pro- ceed in the industry with our machines, which are com- pletely focused on the challenging parts of the job such as kneading, spreading and baking. You also attract attention with your products in the field of patisserie equipment. Could you give us infor- mation about your products in this field? There are many large and small businesses in the pas- try business. Everyone's production style and variety is different. This is exactly where we step in. We support companies by offering machines according to the quan- tity, size and variety of the product they want to produce. The biggest difference between patisserie products and main bakery products is weight and fineness. We pro- vide great convenience to businesses in this field. For example, while it takes great skill to roll dough for bak- lava, a flavor that is spreading rapidly around the world, our Baklawa Machine (Phillo) makes this job very easy. To summarize, we are in when it comes to the production of any product in which flour and water are mixed. The Turkish bakery industry is having lively times. How do you evaluate this? In fact, the industry is quite lively. After the stagnation experienced in all sectors for a while at the beginning of the pandemic was over, the livelihood in the bakery sector has been noticed. It was noteworthy that bakers were doing business when many sectors were closed, and they called it livelihood. Although the customs pro- rekli genişletiyoruz. Bizim makinalarız sektörün iş yükünü hafiflettiği gibi firmalar için birer görsel obje görevini de görüyor. Artık girdiğiniz birçok ekmek üretim yerinde bi- zim fırın makinalarımız ilk bakışta göze çarpıyor. Eskiden fırınlar işletmenin en kuytu yerlerinde kurulurdu. Artık bi- zim fırınlarımız işletmelerin en gözde yerlerine kuruluyor. Çünkü işletmeyi tamamlayan görsellik sağlıyor. Bütünlük veriyor. Son dönemde hem Türkiye’de hem de dünya gene- linde Endüstriyel fırıncılığa ilgi var. Sizin bu alana da yönelik üretiminiz var. Endüstriyel fırıncılık alanından beklenti ve düşüncelerinizi alabilir miyiz? Daha büyük işler yapılabilmesi için yurt dışındaki aracı firmalarla iş ortaklıkları yapılmaktadır. Bizler de ülke sı- nırlarını aştığımız bu sektörde her fırıncının amacı ve işe güvenle başlama sebebi olmaya gayret gösteriyoruz. Bu sektöre ilginin hızla arttığının farkındayız. Hem mikro bo- yutta hem de makro boyutta var olmak bizi hedeflerimize yaklaştırıyor. Tamamen işin ağır kısımları olan yoğurma açma pişirme gibi kısımlara yönelen makinalarımızla sek- törde ilerlemek isteyenlere derin bir nefes aldırdık.