BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 45 July/August - Temmuz/Ağustos 2021

78 CONSUMPTION RESEARCH • TÜKETİM ARAŞTIRMASI BBM / TEMMUZ - AĞUSTOS 2021 • JULY - AUGUST 2021 The people of Nigeria depend on produce from the lo- cal farms for their daily meals as more than 80 percent of Nigerians buy their farm produce from the market. This country is at a huge advantage in terms of agriculture profitability because of the huge demand for farm pro- duce. DEMAND FOR WHEAT INCREASING Nigeria is a net importer of food and major agricultural products. Bread, semolina, pasta and other wheat flour- based products are staples in Nigeria and the demand for the products has continued to increase. Currently, the shares of wheat flour for bread, semolina, pasta and oth- ers, are estimated at 60 percent, 20 percent,10 percent, and 10 percent, respectively. Nigeria’s wheat consumption is mostly filled by local production augmented by imports valued at about $1.5 billion in 2017 and $1.7 billion in 2018. Local wheat pro- duction remained inadequate and domestic supplies of substitute staples within Nigeria and neighboring coun- tries have not kept pace with demand. USDA forecasts Nigeria’s wheat consumption in MY 2019/20 at 5.26 mil- lion metric tons (MT). USDA forecasts Nigeria’s wheat production in market- ing year (MY) 2019/20 (July-June) to reach 60,000 met- ric tons (MT), unchanged from the production figure for marketing year 2018/19. The area harvested to remain at 60,000 hectares, with yields holding steady at one metric ton per hectare, according to USDA Foreign Agri- cultural Service (FAS) report published in May. Nigeria bakery product market is expected to grow due to the increasing consumption for ready to eat prod- ucts owing to busy work schedules, increasing health concerns, rising demand for gluten-free, high-fiber and trans fat baked products along with health-benefits asso- ciated with bakery products is expected to promote the demand for bakery products in the coming years. Nigeria Bakery Product Market size is expected to register significant growth during the forecast period 2020-2026. The outburst of coronavirus is expected to hinder the bakery product market growth as the coun- try is highly dependent on the external sources for food supply but the lockdown measures imposed by the countries are reducing the exports due to which Nigeria fails to ensure the continuous imports of required food staples. Additionally, due to the absence of laborers on the farms, a major portion of crops remain unharvested which would obstruct the production of bakery products thereby, hampering the overall market growth. olduğu tahmin ediliyor. Nijerya'nın buğday tüketimi, çoğunlukla 2017'de yak- laşık 1,5 milyar dolar ve 2018'de 1,7 milyar dolar değe- rindeki ithalatla artırılan yerel üretimle karşılanıyor. Yerel buğday üretimi yetersiz kaldı ve Nijerya ve komşu ülke- lerdeki yerli ikame temel gıda arzı talebe ayak uydurama- dı. USDA, 2019/20 sezonunda Nijerya'nın buğday tüketi- mini 5,26 milyon mt olarak tahmin ediyor. USDA, Nijerya'nın 2019/20 pazarlama yılında (Tem- muz-Haziran) buğday üretiminin, 2018/19 pazarlama yılı üretim rakamından farklı olarak 60 bin tona ulaşacağını tahmin ediyor. Mayıs ayında yayınlanan USDA Dış Tarım Servisi (FAS) raporuna göre, hasat edilen alan 60 bin