BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 45 July/August - Temmuz/Ağustos 2021

81 CONSUMPTION RESEARCH • TÜKETİM ARAŞTIRMASI BBM / TEMMUZ - AĞUSTOS 2021 • JULY - AUGUST 2021 ures recorded for the second-largest type, gingerbread, sweet biscuits and waffles (689K tonnes), more than ten- fold. From 2007 to 2015, the average annual growth rate of the volume of consumption of fresh bread and miscella- neous bakery was relatively modest. With regard to the other consumed products, the following average annual rates of growth were recorded: gingerbread, sweet bis- cuits and waffles (+0.8% per year) and crispbread and rusks (+2.0% per year). In value terms, fresh bread and miscellaneous bakery ($23.1B) led the market, alone. The second position in the ranking was occupied by gingerbread, sweet biscuits and waffles ($2.1B). From 2007 to 2015, the average annual rate of growth in terms of the market volume of fresh bread and miscel- laneous bakery stood at +3.2%. With regard to the other consumed products, the following average annual rates of growth were recorded: gingerbread, sweet biscuits and waffles (+2.8% per year) and crispbread and rusks (+6.3% per year). What are the leading suppliers of bread and bakery to Nigeria? In value terms, the UK ($5.6M) constituted the largest supplier of bread and bakery to Nigeria, comprising 29% of total imports. The second position in the ranking was occupied by China ($2.1M), with a 11% share of total im- ports. It was followed by India, with a 9.3% share. What are the leading importers of bread and bakery from Nigeria? In value terms, Thailand ($1.3M) emerged as the key foreign market for bread and bakery exports from Nige- ria, comprising 53% of total exports. The second position in the ranking was occupied by Ghana ($347K), with a 14% share of total exports. It was followed by China, with a 13% share. What is the average export price for bread and bak- ery in Nigeria? The average bread and bakery export price stood at $2,449 per tonne in 2019, dropping by -23.9% against the previous year. What is the average import price for bread and bak- ery in Nigeria? The average bread and bakery import price stood at $1,952 per tonne in 2019, waning by -27.5% against the previous year. gösterdi. Tüketilen diğer ürünlerle ilgili olarak, aşağıdaki ortalama yıllık büyüme oranları kaydedildi: zencefilli ku- rabiye, tatlı bisküvi ve waffle (yılda +%2,8) ve kraker ve galeta (yılda +%6,3). Nijerya'nın önde gelen ekmek ve unlu mamul tedarik- çileri kimlerdir? Değer bazında, İngiltere (5,6 milyon $), toplam ithalat içerisindeki %29'luk payıyla Nijerya'nın en büyük ekmek ve unlu mamul tedarikçisi. Sıralamada ikinci sırada %11'lik payıyla Çin (2,1 milyon $) bulunurken, onu %9,3'le Hindis- tan izliyor. Nijerya'dan en çok ekmek ve unlu mamul ithalat edenler hangi ülkelerdir? Değer bazında, toplam ihracatın %53'üyle Tayland (1,3 milyon $) Nijerya'dan yapılan ekmek ve unlu mamul ih- racatı için kilit dış pazar konumunda. İkinci sırayı %14'lük payla Gana (347 bin $) alırken %13'le Çin üçüncü sırada yer aldı. Nijerya'da ekmek ve unlu mamul için ortalama ihra- cat fiyatı nedir? 2019 yılında ortalama ekmek ve unlu mamul ihracat fiyatı, bir önceki yıla göre %23,9 düşüşle ton başına 2.449$ seviyesinde gerçekleşti. Nijerya'da ekmek ve unlu mamuller için ortalama it- halat fiyatı nedir? 2019 yılında ortalama ekmek ve unlu mamul ithalat fiya- tı bir önceki yıla kıyasla %27,5 düşüşle ton başına 1.952$ seviyesinde gerçekleşti.