BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 46 September/October - Eylül/Ekim 2021

66 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / EYLÜL - EKİM 2021 • SEPTEMBER - October 2021 On the other hand, I think that the contract farming practice will be beneficial for some products that are low in production and not preferred by the farmer, or for spe- cific wheat varieties. It is said about the post-epidemic that, “Nothing will be the same as before. The epidemic will be a mile- stone.” We are already experiencing the effects of this in many areas of life. So, what kind of process do we have in front of us in the milling industry? What inno- vations, changes or standards will this epidemic bring to the industry? Deglobalization, which was on the rise even before the pandemic, seems to have gained a little more power with the pandemic. Countries will take steps to reduce their dependence on foreign sources, especially in basic foodstuffs. Agricultural production and food processing industries will gain even more importance. Likewise, they will diversify their food suppliers, and they will not want to be tied to a single supplier country. WORLD FLOUR TRADE TO DECREASE Turkey’s Black Sea neighbors such as Russia and Ukraine, which increase grain production, especially wheat, are renewing their milling infrastructures. The Russian government encourages the sale of high val- ue-added products instead of raw materials. Are these developments a risk for Turkish flour producers? What steps should be taken to prevent the market share from shrinking? First of all, we need to focus on the world flour trade in order to analyze the risks we face. We divide the world flour trade into three categories in our internal analysis. The first category is exports made in the form of border trade. Here, on one side of the border, there is a com- petitive flour producer, on the other side there is another country that needs flour. For example, Turkey's exports to Syria and Iraq, exports from Kazakhstan to Afghanistan or from Argentina to Bolivia. Border trade has advantag- es such as the fact that buyers and sellers mostly know each other, payment in local currency, credit mechanism, transit time is very short compared to overseas imports, and the product is fresh on delivery. It is often not pos- sible for the flour of a non-bordering third country to en- ter this trade. Our studies show that the share of this type of border trade in world flour trade is around 47% with 6.5 million tons. The second category of flour exports is exports within a trading bloc. Here, thanks to customs union agreements between states, countries can export flour to each other without paying import tax. The European Union, ECOW- AS, COMESA, MERCOSUR and ASEAN are the most im- portant trading blocks. In this way, Vietnam, which is an YEM SANAYİNİN HUBUBAT TALEBİ DÜŞMELİ, MERALARIN PAYI ARTMALI Üçüncü olarak yem sanayisinin hububat talebini düşürmemiz gerekiyor. Hayvan yeminde hazır yemin oranı azalmalı, meraların payı artmalı. Bu, yem sanayi- nin kullandığı buğdayın bir kısmının gerisin geri gıda sektöründe kalmasını sağlayacaktır. Dördüncü olarak da devletimizin çiftçiliğin yüksek teknoloji ile verimli bir şekilde yapılmasını sağlayacak hukuki, ekonomik ve sosyal bir ortamı oluşturarak teşvik edici olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Sözleşmeli tarım uygulamasının ise üretimi az olan, çiftçinin tercih etmediği bazı ürünlerde veya spesifik buğday çeşitlerinde faydalı olacağını düşünüyorum. Salgın sonrası, “Artık hiçbir şey eskisi gibi ol- mayacak. Salgın bir milat olacak” deniliyor. Zaten bunun etkilerini hayatın birçok alanında yaşıyoruz. Peki değirmencilik endüstrisinde nasıl bir süreç var önümüzde? Bu salgın sizce sektöre ne gibi yenilik- ler, değişiklikler veya standartlar getirecek?