BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 46 September/October - Eylül/Ekim 2021
86 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA BBM / EYLÜL - EKİM 2021 • SEPTEMBER - October 2021 pasta, while English and American people prefer it long. German people prefer fresh pasta (whether stuffed or not). On the contrary, French people are those who pre- fer short and smooth pasta. Everybody agrees on just one thing: the quality of Italian pasta is not questioned. Indeed, made in Italy pasta is the first choice of world families. It is preferred by 72% English families, 68% French families, 54% German families and 48% American families. PASTA, THE SYMBOL OF MEDITERRANEAN DIET AND OF “PHASE 2” “The increase in its global consumption means that pasta can be considered as crossover food, free from cultural, religious and economic barriers – Riccardo Fe- licetti, President of the Italian pasta makers at Unione Italiana Food, says. Then, it is good: the 2nd edition of Al Dente wants to highlight the pleasure to eat and cook pasta and many great chefs will help us to remind that this simple but noble kind of food is at its best also when it comes to healthy and balanced recipes inspired by the Mediterranean Diet. Pasta is a happy moment that helps us to step away from an uncertain future”. PASTA UNITES PEOPLE, IT MEANS PLEASURE AND HAPPYNESS According to Paolo Barilla, “The figures about worldwide pasta consumption tell us that every- body likes it, it was everybody’s favorite food during the lockdown. Pasta is affordable, simple, it can be eaten every day and it means pleasure and happi- ness; it can unite people and it can be identified with the conviviality we missed so much. It is a versatile ingredient that matches well with all sorts of ingre- dients from every kind of cuisine and gives each recipe the taste and benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. Since 22 years World Pasta Day celebrates our passion for this ancient but innovative ingredient; indeed it is good for the palate, the Planet and the health of those who live in it”. 1 OUT OF 4 PASTA DISHES IN THE WORLD IS ITALIAN, +25% EXPORT IN 2020 According to IPO figures, Italy is the first pasta pro- ducer (3.5 million tons, +4% compared to 2018, then there are USA and Turkey), and we are also the first con- sumers, with 23.1 kg per capita per year, before Tunisia (17), Venezuela (12) and Greece (11.4). The whole world celebrates this first place: 1 out of 4 pasta dishes in the world is Italian, 3 out of 4 in Europe. If 2019 saw an ex- port record (more than 2.1 tons, +7.5% compared to 2018), Unione Italiana Food figures reveal an extraordinary re- sult in the first six months of 2020 (+25%). Germany, UK, France, USA and Japan are the most strategic countries, Fransızlar kısa ve pürüzsüz makarnayı tercih ediyor. Her- kes hemfikir olduğu tek bir konu var, o da İtalyan makar- nasının kalitesinin sorgulanamaz olduğu. Gerçekten de İtalya'da yapılan makarna dünya genelinde ailelerin ilk tercihi. İngiliz ailelerin %72'si, Fransızların %68'i, Alman- ların %68'i ve Amerikalıların da %48'i tarafından tercih ediliyor. AKDENİZ MUTFAĞININ VE “2. FAZ”IN SEMBOLÜ MAKARNA Unione Italiana Food İtalyan makarna üreticilerinin baş- kanı Riccardo Felicetti, “Küresel tüketimindeki artış, ma- karnanın kültürel, dini ve ekonomik engellerden arınmış çapraz gıda olarak kabul edilebileceği anlamına geliyor.” diyor. Bu iyi bir şey: İkinci Al Dente, makarna yemenin ve pişirmenin zevkini vurgulamak istiyor ve birçok becerikli şef, bu basit ama asil yemek türünün aynı zamanda sağ- lıklı ve Akdeniz Diyetinden ilham alan dengeli tariflerle en iyi durumunda olduğunu hatırlamamıza yardımcı olacak. Makarna, belirsiz bir gelecekten uzaklaşmamıza yardımcı olan mutlu bir andır.” dedi. MAKARNA İNSANLARI BİRLEŞTİRİR, KEYİF VE MUTLULUK DEMEKTİR Paolo Barilla'ya göre, "Dünya makarna tüketimiyle ilgi-
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