BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 46 September/October - Eylül/Ekim 2021

94 CONSUMPTION RESEARCH • TÜKETİM ARAŞTIRMASI BBM / EYLÜL - EKİM 2021 • SEPTEMBER - October 2021 cated, produces 20% of GDP and is the center of heavy industry. Mexico's manufacturing industry and factories, where manufacturing goods exported particularly to the United States are produced and sold, are mostly located in the six states on its northern border (Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamau- lipas). Jalisco, Puebla and Guanajuato are states with the highest welfare and the most developed manufacturing industry. Veracruz stands out with its agriculture and oil industry. Of the states in the Mexican Gulf, Quintana Roo has developed in terms of tourism. Although about half of the country is considered to be poor, this rate reaches 75% in the southern states where agricultural production is intense. Poverty rates are also high in some districts of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, and the Pacific coast. The immigration between Mexico and the USA has been prevented by establishing "maquiladora" produc- tion zones, where foreign investments took place and which allowed the production of duty-free and quota- free intermediate and capital goods, with the proposal of the USA, and both countries benefited from this system. The advantage of the USA has been to stop human mi- gration to its country and to increase its market power in third world countries by producing low-cost manufac- tured goods by contract manufacturing. Mexico provided employment opportunities by accelerating the inflow of foreign capital solved some of its economic problems, and gained qualified manpower working in these pro- duction areas. MEXICO EXPORTS WHEAT TO TURKEY According to the data obtained by the Ministry of Commerce, wheat comes first among the products im- ported by Turkey from Mexico. While 106 million dollars of wheat and meslin were imported from Mexico in 2019, this figure increased to 113 million dollars in 2020. Dried legumes and cotton are also among the products Turkey imports from Mexico. The Mexican agribusiness industry is in steady and constant expansion partly related to strong consumer demand and an ever-growing middle class. With a large landmass and a wide range of climates, Mexico is well adapted to large-scale agricultural production. Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking coun- try in the world. It is a market with over 128 million peo- ple, the 11th largest population in the world. Its $1.2 trillion economy makes it the second-largest in Latin America and the 15th largest in the world. Mexico has a large and zey sınırındaki altı eyalet (Baja California, Sonora, Chihu- ahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León ve Tamaulipas), Meksika’nın imalat sanayi ve özellikle ABD’ye ihraç edilen üretim mallarının üretildiği ve satıldığı fabrikaların yoğunlaştığı bölgedir. Jalisco, Puebla ve Guanajato refah seviyesi yüksek olan ve imalat sanayinin geliştiği eyaletlerdir. Veracruz, tarım ve petrol sanayi ile öne çıkmaktadır. Meksika Kör- fezi’ndeki eyaletlerden özellikle Quintana Roo turizm açı- sından gelişmiştir. Ülkenin yaklaşık yarısı yoksul olarak değerlendirilmekle birlikte, tarımsal üretim yoğun olduğu güneydeki eyaletlerde bu oran %75’e ulaşmaktadır. Chi- apas, Oaxaca, Guerrero’nun bazı alanları ve Pasifik kıyı- larında da yoksulluk oranı yüksektir. Meksika'dan ABD'ye göç sorunu, ABD'nin önerisi ile yabancı yatırımların yer aldığı ve gümrüksüz ve kotasız ara ve sermaye malı imalatına imkan veren “maquilado- ra” üretim bölgeleri kurularak önlenmiş, bu sistemden