BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 47 November/December - Kasım/Aralık 2021
56 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / KASIM - ARALIK 2021 • NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2021 ately ask me for a more standardizable method. What is your answer? A leak test using specific test gas and sensor tech- nology. With the LEAK-MASTER® PRO 2, we have a device that determines the leak tightness of relevant products, using CO2 sensors. Here, too, a vacuum is created in a test chamber to draw gas out of the leaking packaging. The parameters such as vacuum and measurement time are defined in advance by the customer allowing for the test to be performed auto- matically. At the end of the measurement, the PRO 2 displays the result by means of a rotating light signal. If the device lights up red, for example, CO2 has been detected and the product is leaking. The test is there- fore completely independent of the inspector and is therefore standardized and reproducible. Of course, everything is documented digitally, and the data can also be exported. How long does such a test take, and what size of leak can I determine in this way? The more CO2 in the packaging, the faster you can find a leak. As a rule, 8-10 seconds are often suffi- cient. In principle, leaks of 10 micrometers or more can be reliably detected. In other words, exactly the microleaks that cause problems for manufacturers. A major advantage of CO2 testing is also that it is non- destructive. After testing, the leak-proof packages can be put on sale without any problems. This saves waste and costs. When should a user opt for a water bath and when for a CO2 unit? Just to restate: Water bath devices provide the cheapest method; they’ve been proven over may years and work reliably. If I want to find out where my product is leaking, I need a water bath in any case. And if I don't have CO2 in the product, or I have a vacuum pack, the water bath is the best option. For more standardization and automation, CO2 units are a good choice. This is because they do not need to be inspected by a human inspector. The re- sult is still reliable even after the umpteenth test at the end of a long working day. Second point: You can test the leak-tightness without destroying the prod- uct. And finally, testing without water is cleaner and less complicated as regular changing of water and cleaning are not necessary. Ideally, I have both devices. With the CO2 de- vice, I perform all spot checks safely and non-de- structively. In the case of a leaking package, I can use the water bath to find the position of the leak daha standart hale getirilebilir bir yöntem istiyor. Onlara ne cevap veriyorsunuz? Spesifik test gazı ve sensör teknolojisini kullanan bir sızıntı testi. LEAK-MASTER® PRO 2 ile CO2 sensörleri kul- lanarak ilgili ürünlerin sızdırmazlık düzeyini belirleyen bir cihaza sahibiz. Burada da, sızıntı yapan ambalajdan gaz çekmek için bir test odasında bir vakum oluşturulur. Va- kum ve ölçüm süresi gibi parametreler müşteri tarafından önceden tanımlanarak testin otomatik olarak yapılması sağlanır. Ölçümün sonunda PRO 2, dönen bir ışık sinyali aracılığıyla sonucu görüntüler. Cihaz örneğin kırmızı renk- te yanıyorsa CO2 tespit edilmiştir ve ürün sızıntı yapıyor demektir. Bu nedenle test, denetçiden tamamen bağım- sızdır ve sonuç olarak da standardize edilmiştir ve tekrar- lanabilirlik özelliğine sahiptir. Elbette her şey dijital olarak belgelenir ve veriler dışa aktarılabilir.
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