BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 47 November/December - Kasım/Aralık 2021

68 ARTICLE • MAKALE BBM / KASIM - ARALIK 2021 • NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2021 asked what reasons consumers have for con- sidering plant-based alternatives, they tell us they consider it healthier and better for the planet. A third reason, the desire for diet variation, is further boosting interest in plant- based beyond the traditional vegan and veg- etarian sectors, leading to a 59% increase in launches of new plant-based products in the year to August 2021. From convenience foods to gastronomy, people are looking for the quality alternatives plant-based products can offer. 3. Tech to Table Technological advances have created ma- jor innovation opportunities for the entire food and beverage industry, offering great- er possibilities to change every aspect of a product’s lifecycle from conception to con- sumption. While innovators embrace new production methods, consumers turn to apps and AI for guidance on personalized nutrition and a greater understanding of how to suc- cessfully fulfil their needs. Myths and misun- derstandings are crumbling, so it has never been more important to engage in honest and open communication with consumers to ensure their continued trust in the advances of food technology. Respondents to Innova’s Consumer Survey say they are more willing to embrace changes such as new food tech- nologies or sharing data if they can be shown to be beneficial to personal and global health. 4. Shifting Occasions Lockdowns and the pandemic have re- shaped existing eating occasions while at the same time helping to create new ones. Consumers have a greater awareness of the comforts and possibilities of home, so now seek more from going out. Industry lead- ers will be pushed to better serve evolving consumption occasions, creating products geared to the new expectations of a public whose social habits have been challenged. 5. Voice of the Consumer Consumers are calling the shots and expect- ing more engagement from brands through digital and real-world channels. People are looking for food and beverages that align with their political, social and ethical values. If they can't find them, entrepreneurial con- sumers are taking action to fill the gap them- dikkate alma sebepleri sorulduğunda, bunun gezegen için daha sağlıklı ve iyi olduğunu söy- lüyorlar. Üçüncü bir sebep olan diyeti çeşitlen- dirme isteği, vegan ve vejetaryen sektörlerinin ötesinde bitki bazlı ürünlere olan ilgiyi daha da artırıyor ve yeni bitki bazlı ürünlerin piyasaya sürülmelerinde %59'luk bir artışa yol açıyor. Hazır gıdalardan gastronomiye, insanlar bitki bazlı ürünlerin sunabileceği kaliteli alternatifler arıyor. 3. Teknolojiden Sofraya Teknolojik gelişmeler, tüm yiyecek ve içecek endüstrisi için büyük yenilik fırsatları doğurmuş ve bir ürünün yaşam döngüsünü tamamen de- ğiştirmek için daha büyük imkânlar sunmuştur.