BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 47 November/December - Kasım/Aralık 2021

72 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA BBM / KASIM - ARALIK 2021 • NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2021 Practices, under its Farm to Fork Strategy presented in May 2020. The Code sets out seven targets for 2050 that promote the prevention and minimisation of food waste by optimising the development of circular food supply chains, in an effort to save resources, source more responsibly, create jobs and value, and protect the climate and people’s health at the same time. Further action to reduce bread waste Waste prevention is not a new concept in the sector of craft bakeries and restaurants. Professionals in the industry do whatever they can to recover their waste, ei- ther by turning stale bread into croutons, breadcrumbs, bruschetta, dumplings, stuffing, French toast or pud- dings, or by giving leftover bread to charities, nearby farms or animal shelters whenever collections are or- ganised. But that’s not always enough to recover all the waste they end up with, let alone the leftovers thrown away by industrial bakeries and supermarkets. While the challenge here lies in the amount of bread that goes to waste and the rate at which it becomes stale, the health requirements for this type of product are also very much part of the issue. Indeed, bread has to be stored in the best possible conditions to keep it from moulding. Bacterial spores can also survive the baking process, be reactivated and release toxins. Bringing bread back to life, and the circle is complete! In view of the reasons outlined above, bakers are not allowed to soak leftover bread from the previous day and mix it into their fresh dough. They can, however, turn their old bread into flour. French startup Expliceat, a company specialising in food waste, designed a bread grinder known as the Crumbler, used so far by more than 150 bakers in France to transform their surplus bread into flour. In addition, the company drafted in col- laboration with two microbiological testing labs and the ADEME (French Agency for Ecological Transition) a set of health control guidelines to ensure the safe recycling of bread. It also created around fifty special recipes for making bread and cakes. While the nutritional quality of bread flour is the same as traditional flour, the taste and texture, on the other hand, are not exactly similar. Lactic acid fermentation is another way of giving bread a new life. Industrial bakeries and supermarkets have created a new generation of sourdough made with ‘old bread’, in an effort to reuse their production leftovers and unsold products. The objective is to replace some of the flour used in sourdough recipes with bread, which can act as a new substrate for fermentation. In fact, some research has shown that this method of recycling bread ve Pazarlama Uygulamalarına İlişkin AB Davranış Kural- larını açıkladı. Kurallar; kaynakları korumak, kaynak sağ- larken daha sorumlu davranmak, istihdam ve değer üret- mek ve aynı zamanda iklimi ve insan sağlığını korumak amacıyla, 2050 yılı için döngüsel gıda tedarik zincirlerinin gelişimini optimize ederek gıda israfının önlenmesini ve en aza indirilmesini teşvik eden yedi hedef ortaya koy- maktadır. Ekmek israfını azaltmak için daha fazla gayret Atık oluşumunu önleme, mahalle fırınları ve restoranlar sektörü için yeni bir kavram değil. Sektörün profesyo-