BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 48 January-Ocak 2022

66 ARTICLE • MAKALE BBM / OCAK 2022 • JANUARY 2022 with pleasure in the shadow of the same taste memory at world tables. The modern-day teachings that say "fear is the mind killer" always use bread to suppress humanity's fear of hunger. Economics starts with finding solutions to “unlimited wants and scarce resources”. It turns out that countless methods such as communism and capitalism couldn't feed humanity fairly, so the new point of satisfaction becomes the Metaverse oven. Every- thing we cannot have in real life, that we are afraid to try, that we give up for moral and cultural reasons, is in virtual reality. The limit of the bread we will make in the Metaverse oven is our dreams. You can add any flavor you want to the bread. The cus- tomization dimension that Far Eastern bakers brought to artisanal bread is already outdated. Instead, you can export bread to the whole world with all kinds of local and non-local agricultural prod- ucts and bread you will bake in your virtual reality oven. Trying and ordering on the Metaverse. Whether make bread, try or order it. At a time when industry 4.0 sourdough bread factories cannot find a place in the sector, nobody knows how lucky the virtual bak- ery will be. But recently, while the bread prices are record highs, it seems that we will not be able to fill our stomachs except in the metaverse. Humanity, for the future of its species, will boldly push the doors of the metaverse world, the center of all sources of pleasure. You may not be the best bakery in the neighborhood. Maybe you couldn't realize your master chef dream. Then, how about try- ing your luck in the metaverse? You can sell bread to people from all over the world with taste compositions that you will prepare for pleasure collectors. The place where those who cannot hold on to real life will realize themselves and forget their absence and the source of endless happiness with a single coupon entry is the metaverse. Making a tour to the destination restaurant in advance, tasting the flavors we are afraid to try, going to the holidays we can't go because of lack of time, and eating at the restaurants we want... Or tasting ancient fruits, joining a medicinal aromatic safari in the virgin jungle, creating your own memory of taste with uncultivated plants... What the virtual world can do is up to the limit of our minds. Presenting the performance of the products you create with lo- cal ingredients and your personal imagination to consumers from all over the world is a unique opportunity for the future of bakery. Marketing popular products in real life. Virtual reality offers unique opportunities to those who act bravely. Hittite breads that are thou- sands of years old, the first bread in Göbeklitepe, Afikoman, the bread at the last supper of Jesus, and Has bread baked in Otto- man's Has ovens... All are the metaverse bread types of the future. Breads enriched with flour beetles, protists and algae, endless parçası ekmek. Aynı tat belleğinin gölgesinde keyifle bulu- şuyoruz dünya sofralarında. “Korku akıl katilidir” diyen mo- dern zaman öğretileri insanlığın açlık korkusunu sindirmede ekmeği her dem kullanıyor. İktisat “sınırsız isteklere, sınırlı kaynaklarla” çözüm bul- makla başlar işe. Komünizm, kapitalizm gibi sayısız yöntem insanlığı adil şekilde doyuramamış olacak ki yeni doyum noktası metaverse fırın. Gerçek hayatta sahip olamadığımız, denemeye korktuğumuz, ahlaki ve kültürel nedenlerle vaz- geçtiğimiz her şey sanal gerçeklikte. Metaverse fırında yapacağımız ekmeğin sınırı hayallerimiz kadar. İstediğiniz her tadı ekmeğe ekleyebilirsiniz. Uzakdo- ğulu fırıncıların artizan ekmeğe getirdikleri kişiselleştirme boyutu çoktan demode oldu. Onun yerine yerel ve yerel olmayan her türlü tarımsal ürünlerle sanal gerçeklikteki fı- rınınızda pişireceğiniz ekmeklerle tüm dünyaya ekmek ih- racatı yapabilirsiniz. Metaversede deneyip sipariş vermek. İster ekmek yap ister dene, istersen sipariş ver. Ekşi mayalı endüstri 4.0 ekmek fabrikalarının bile sektör- de kendine yer bulamadığı bir dönemde sanal fırının şan- sı ne kadar olur bilinmez. Ama ekmek fiyatlarının 10 TL’yi