BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 48 January-Ocak 2022

72 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA BBM / OCAK 2022 • JANUARY 2022 agricultural products and food supply, the increase in food prices, the difficulty in accessing food particularly for low- income groups, malnutrition, and hunger can cause deaths. This poses a food security threat. The effect of the droughts continues in the following years. This is because the farm- ers, whose capital decreases during the drought, may with- draw from production in the post-drought period or may produce less with the use of less land and inputs compared to normal seasons. The fact that the prices are higher due to the lack of pro- duction during the drought periods makes it difficult for low- income groups, children, and adolescents to access food for a healthy and balanced diet, especially to food of animal origin. Drought as a result of global warming negatively af- fected agricultural production throughout the world. Due to drought, especially wheat and corn production has de- creased substantially in many countries. Among them is Turkey. The long-lasting drought in the Konya Basin, which is described as Turkey's granary, has battered the wheat harvest. Likewise, due to the drought in the Southeastern and Central Anatolia Regions, there were substantial losses in yield. This was reflected in wheat prices as an increase. Price increases in products such as wheat, barley, and corn directly affect basic food products such as pasta, bulgur, and bread. Losses in grain production led to an increase in imports. However, due to the heat waves in the Northern Hemi- sphere, the world's two largest wheat producers, Russia and Canada, also experienced a decrease in yield. According to the official figures announced, around 20 million tons of wheat was produced in Turkey in 2020. How- ever, because the drought in 2021 caused yield losses of up to 70 percent in some places, yield estimates are re- vised with a sharp decrease. According to the Turkish Sta- tistical Institute (TURKSTAT), which announced the produc- tion amounts for 2021, wheat production decreased by 13.9 percent and fell to 17.7 million tons. Experts estimate that the wheat harvest for 2021 will vary between 12 million and 17 million tons. Due to both the low production and the increase in input costs, there were substantial increases in wheat prices. The drought is not the only reason for the increase in the price of wheat. The increase in the cost of production is regarded as one of the biggest factors in the increase in agricultural product prices. Fertilizer prices have increased exponen- tially all over the world. According to the grain purchase prices announced by the Turkish Grain Board on May 17, 2021, durum wheat's sinin düşmesi, gıda arzının azalması, gıda fiyatlarının yük- selmesi, özellikle düşük gelirli grupların gıdaya erişimi- nin zorlaşması, yetersiz beslenme, açlık, ölümlere neden olabilmekte, böylece ülkenin gıda güvenliği tehdit altına girebilmektedir. Kuraklığın etkisi takip eden yıllarda da devam etmektedir. Çünkü, çiftçi elde ettiği düşük gelir- den kaynaklanan sermaye azlığı nedeniyle kuraklık son- rası dönemde üretimden çekilme, daha az alan ve girdi kullanımı ile tarımsal üretimin normal yıllardaki seviyesine ulaşamamasına neden olabilmektedir. Kuraklık dönemlerinde üretim azlığı nedeniyle fiyatla- rın daha yüksek seviyede gerçekleşmesi, özellikle düşük