BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 48 January-Ocak 2022
80 CONSUMPTION RESEARCH • TÜKETİM ARAŞTIRMASI BBM / OCAK 2022 • JANUARY 2022 POPULATION The population is forecast at approximately 274m people, more than ten times the population of Australia at 25.6m. It is expected that the population will grow to 330m by 2050. That is a huge number of mouths to feed, and it’s all right on the doorstep of Australia. The growing population and the lack of local production have resulted in ever-growing imports. During the last half of the 2000s, Indonesia imported on average 5.6mmt. During the past five years, this has jumped to 10.5mmt. WEALTH The reality, though is that population is not the sole deter- minate of the increase in the growth of imports of wheat into Indonesia. Increasing demand also comes from increasing wealth. As populations become more wealthy, they increase their capacity to purchase more food. This is especially seen in developing countries as they move into higher wealth bands. The general trend is for more bakery products, and then as wealth increases more meat proteins. The chart below shows the trend of wheat imports vs GDP per capita in Indonesia. There is a close relationship between increasing GDP and increased imports. It would be expected that imports of wheat will continue to increase throughout much of this decade. The development of global wealth, and increasing spend- ing power by developing countries such as Indonesia is a benefit to all in the agricultural supply chain through in- creased demand for higher valued food. INCREASED FEED DEMAND Increasing demand for animal protein in Indonesia is a fur- ther source of grains demand, albeit feed quality. The bulk of Indonesian live cattle imports from Australia are feeder cattle and it is estimated that the beef produced from these Indonesian feedlot cattle sourced from Australia represents NÜFUS Endonezya nüfusunun yaklaşık 274 milyon oldu- ğu tahmin ediliyor. Bu da 25,6 milyon olan Avustralya nüfusunun on katından fazla. Endonezya nüfusunun 2050 yılına kadar 330 milyona çıkması bekleniyor. Bu da Avustralya'nın hemen yanı başında beslenecek çok sayıda boğaz demek. Endonezya’da nüfus artışı ve yerel üretimin olma- ması, buğday ithalatının sürekli artmasına neden oldu. 2000'li yılların son yarısında Endonezya ortalama 5.6 milyon ton buğday ithalat ediyordu. Son beş yılda ise bu rakam 10.5 milyon tona sıçradı. ZENGİNLİK Gerçek şu ki, Endonezya'ya buğday ithalatındaki artışın tek belirleyicisi nüfus değil. Artan talep, artan zenginlikten geliyor. Nüfus daha zengin hale geldik- çe, daha fazla yiyecek alma kapasitesi de artıyor. Bu, özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerin daha yüksek servet grubuna geçişinde görülür. Genel eğilim, daha fazla CHART / GRAFİK 5
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