BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 49 February-Şubat 2022

66 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA BBM / ŞUBAT 2022 • FEBRUARY 2022 biscuit and wafer market alive. The sector is expected to grow further in the forthcoming years, particularly with the increased sensitivity to hygiene after Covid-19 expe- rience, its easy accessibility, packaging, and the prefer- ence of young people. Wafer is a multi-layered dessert with various creams depending on its type. It is a type of dry, crispy, and thin biscuit sold in different shapes, sizes, and packages. It can be covered with chocolate or it can be plain either. It is a widely used product in the choco- late industry. In gastronomy, wafers are usually sweet, very thin, flat, and dry biscuits often used to decorate ice cream and also as a garniture in some sweet dishes. Wa- fers can also be made with biscuits with a cream flavor in between. They usually have a waffle surface pattern, but can be patterned with the food manufacturer's emblem or be patternless. Some chocolate bars, such as Kit Kat and Coffee Crisp, are actually chocolate-covered wafers. According to research reports, the size of the world- wide biscuit and wafer market reached $85 billion at the end of 2019. According to reports, the biscuit and wafer market size is expected to exceed 110 billion dol- lars by 2025. According to the same report, the world biscuit market is expected to sustain a strong CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 4.7 percent until 2025. Increasing urbanization, changing consumer lifestyles, and increasing consumer purchasing power drive the growth of the global wafer biscuit market. A 55-BILLION-DOLLAR MARKET The global wafer market is expected to sustain a CAGR of 5.12 percent over the time span until 2025. According to market research analysts, the global wa- fer market will reach $55 billion by 2025. This size cor- responds to 50 percent of the global biscuit and wafer market. Innovation is key to gaining market share in this industry. For this reason, most manufacturers are constantly renewing their products. The European re- gion holds the largest global market share in both the wafer and the biscuit market. Europe has a 31 percent share in the global wafer biscuit market. Experts state high living standards and the presence of many sup- pliers in the region as a reason. North America, to- gether with the leaders of the USA in the region, is the second-largest market for wafer biscuits. However, due to the increasing health concerns among consumers, the increase in consumption of wafer biscuits is decreasing in this region. The Asia- Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing market in the forecast period attributable to a shift in consumer choice and increased disposable incomes. China and India shine out as the main markets in this region. na düşen gıda tüketimindeki yükseliş küresel bisküvi ve gofret piyasasını canlı tutuyor. Özellikle Covid-19 sonra- sı artan hijyen duyarlığı, kolaylıkla ulaşılabilme, ambalaj ve genç nüfusun tercih etmesiyle sektörün önümüzdeki yıllarda daha da büyümesi bekleniyor. Gofret çok katlı, arasında çeşidine göre farklı kremalar bulunan tatlıdır. Farklı şekil, boyut ve ambalajlarda satılan kuru, gevrek ve ince bir bisküvi türüdür. Üzeri çikolata kaplanabildiği gibi sadesi de bulunur. Çikolata sanayisinde bolca kulla- nılan bir üründür. Gastronomide, gofret, genellikle tatlı, çok ince, düz ve kuru bisküvidir, genellikle dondurma- yı süslemek için ve ayrıca bazı tatlı yemeklerde garnitür olarak kullanılır. Gofretler, aralarında krema aroması bu- lunan bisküvilere de yapılabilir. Genellikle waffle yüzey desenine sahipler, ancak gıda imalatçısının amblemiyle desenlendirilebilirler veya desensiz olabilirler. Kit Kat ve Coffee Crisp gibi bazı çikolata çubukları aslında çikolata ve çevresinde olan gofrettir. Araştırma raporlarına göre, dünya çapında bisküvi ve gofret pazarı, 2019 sonunda 85 milyar dolara ulaştı. Ra- porlara göre 2025 yılına kadar bisküvi ve gofret pazarı- nın 110 milyar dolarlık bir büyüklüğü aşması bekleniyor. Aynı rapora göre 2025 yılına kadar dünya bisküvi pazarı tahmin ortalama yüzde 4.7’lik güçlü bir CAGR’yi (Yıllık Bi- leşik Büyüme Oranı) yakalaması bekleniyor. Artan kent-