BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 50 March-Mart 2022

54 COVER STORY • KAPAK DOSYASI BBM / MART 2022 • MARCH 2022 and have demonstrated supe- rior performance a wide range of baked goods, including im- provement of crumb softness and elasticity during long periods of bread storage when compared to emulsifiers among others. Deliv- ering extra softness and a higher elasticity or resilience is also pos- sible, helping industrial bakers to produce high-quality bread with a more moist and tender texture. In short, maltogenic amy- lases solutions are helping us to build a portfolio based on the different values proposi- tions depending on market insights, producers’ needs, consumers preferences. In Novozymes, we constantly seek new ways to connect with our customers. We aim to bring value in a more flex- ible manner through online services and tools designed to be easy to use, inspirational and available whenever our customers need it. One of our first digital tools for the baking industry, SmartBake®, a dosage prediction tool for fresh-keeping enzymes, was launched to help customers with their fresh-keeping dosage trials by providing quick and easy access to the right enzymes and dosage. This clever tool enables baking customers to get instant techni- cal recommendations on which enzyme and corresponding dosage ranges to use when baking a specific bread. The Novozymes Innovation and Technology Center (ITC) has also opened in Istanbul. The ITC features state-of-the-art, locally relevant equipment, including an industrial scale flat- bread line. It gives the opportunity to share our solu- tions, technology, and know-how up close to customers in the Middle East and other regions, opening up new partnerships and possibilities; to provide customers and partners with easier access to our regional R&D and marketing expertise, and over time, bring value to local communities and markets. It is one of the most effec- tive way to do that is to move into their neighbourhood and invite the customers into ITC to share our world with them and understand their world better. The continuous customer involvement and co- creation with the customers are the foundation that will continue and help build, keep, and develop strong partnerships. It is also how we make sure to develop and focus on the things that matter the most to our customers. ölçekte yassı ekmek hattı da dahil olmak üzere son teknoloji ve bölgesel ihtiyaçlara yönelik donanımlara sahip. ITC bize çözümlerimizi, teknolojimizi ve bilgi bi- rikimimizi Orta Doğu ve diğer bölgelerdeki müşterilere yakından aktarma fırsatı vererek yeni imkanlar sağlıyor. Müşterilerin ve ortakların bölgesel Ar-Ge ve pazarlama uzmanlığımıza daha kolay erişmelerini sağlıyor. Ayrıca yerel topluluklara ve pazarlara değer kazandırıyor. Bu- nun için müşterilerimizi teknoloji dünyamızı yakından tanımaları için ITC’ye davet ediyoruz. Müşterilerimizle birlikte yeniliklere imza atarak sürdürülebilirliğin desteklenmesi ve güçlü ilişkilerin kurulması ve geliştirilmesini üzerine ortak hareket ediyoruz. Müşterilerimiz için en önemli olan şeyleri geliştirmeyi ve bunlara odaklanmayı da bu şekilde sağlamaya çalışıyoruz.