BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 50 March-Mart 2022
58 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / MART 2022 • MARCH 2022 modernization. Our strategy when it comes to expan- ding our existing production lines is by seeing a possib- le need or a chance for the expansion this means that we take our decision in advance, before the demand happens, we improve the production lines by upgrading machinery or by increasing its capacities. Thanks to our wise management that envisions the upcoming situation, and the role of our president and chairman, Mr. Jamal Al- Hazaa, who takes the appropriate decisions at the right time, and this strategic planning has helped us in always being one step ahead of the market, this can be seen by the quick growth of Al-Hazaa Group, as it accomplished many large projects in the region in a short period of time and this what distinguishes us from others. The role of the quality of our products and countries that we work in also plays an important role, since we produce high quality products that satisfy the needs of our customers and also because we operate in countri- es where the population growth rate is relatively high, we have always seen an increasing demand for our pro- ducts and this facilitated the importance of expansions of our production lines. You are the only company producing noodles in Jordan. You have increased your noodle production, which used to be 25 thousand cups per hour, by 5 times and reached 120 thousand cups per hour. Can you give us information about this investment? Yes, we are the first and only noodles producers in Jordan and we succeeded in a very short time to com- pete with big brand names in the region thanks to the high quality of our product and now we are expanding our production because we faced an increased demand, so we launched the cup noodles to provide more conve- nient product for our customers who prefer quick meals. We are the only noodles factory in Jordan to produce bagged and cup noodles, but we still have a big share of our production for export markets as well, we export our products to 25 international markets in 5 continents around the world in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America (Canada, and the US), and Australia. Our company is pro- ducing 750 packs of noodles every minute which equals to more than 1 million packs a day, and as mentioned above, sold in 25 different markets. Our factory is located in an industrial area close to the airport of Amman, it is a very strategic area because it is close to all FMCG distributors, which helps us in distri- buting our noodles to the entire Jordanian market, also our location is near the airport highway road that leads directly to Aqaba, the only port in Jordan and this also facilitates our export procedures. nuna ayak uydurmaya çalışıyoruz. Mevcut üretim hat- larımızı genişletme konusundaki stratejimiz, muhtemel bir ihtiyacı veya genişleme şansını görmektir. Yani talep daha gelmeden kararımızı verdiğimiz ve makineleri ye- nileyerek veya kapasitelerini artırarak üretim hatlarını iyileştiriyoruz. Önümüzdeki durumu öngören vizyoner yönetimimiz ve doğru zamanda doğru kararları alan başkanımız Sayın Jamal Al-Hazaa'nın rolü ve bu stra- tejik planlama sayesinde her zaman bir adım öndeyiz. Bunun en büyük kanıtı ise Al-Hazaa Group'un kısa sü- rede bölgede birçok büyük projeye imza atarak hızla büyümesidir. Bizi rakiplerimizden farklı kılan da bu. Müşterilerimizin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan yüksek kaliteli ürünler ürettiğimiz ve ayrıca nüfus artış hızının nispe- ten yüksek olduğu ülkelerde faaliyet gösterdiğimiz için, ürünlerimizin kalitesi ve çalıştığımız ülkeler de önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Ürünlerimize her zaman yüksek bir talep gördük ve bu üretim hatlarımızı genişletmemizi kolaylaştırdı. Ürdün'de noodle üreten tek firmasınız. Saatte 25 bin bardaklık noodle üretiminizi 5 kat artırarak 120
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