BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 50 March-Mart 2022
66 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / MART 2022 • MARCH 2022 for production facilities is the fixed energy cost you pay, whereas if you depend on fossil fuel energy that is supp- lied by the government, your cost will always be fluctua- ting and you can’t determine the cost nor can you reduce it. On the other hand, the price that we pay to Al-Hazaa Company for Renewable Energy is fixed for a long time. The world has been going through a very challen- ging and extraordinary period over the past two years due to the pandemic. How has this challenging peri- od affected Al-Hazaa Group? Have your investments been affected by the pandemic? Of course, like all other manufacturers, we were af- fected by the Covid pandemic and our operations were badly influenced because of the lockdown and other dif- ficulties caused by this pandemic, all production lines at Halloumi foods are supplied by Buhler China and the installation of our cup noodles line was delayed due to the pandemic as it caused delays in delivery and difficul- ties for the visiting experts from China and Switzerland, the situation wasn’t ideally financially either, as we all witnessed the price increase and disruptions in supply chains. But we’d rather look at this unfortunate situation from a positive side and see what it taught us No one can deny how difficult the last two years have been and how much Covid has affected all of us in all aspects, it disturbed our business activities, threatened the health and safety of nations and caused instability in the world’s economy, however, we had to quickly adapt to this new situation to make sure we produce enough food supplies for our people in Jordan and in the region, it was challenging but we saw it as our duty. It gave us very good experience in dealing with hard situations very quickly and trained us maybe in a very difficult way, yet successful, to form flexible strategies. Also, the pandemic helped us in exporting our products to new countries we wouldn’t reach in normal circums- tances, because due to the shortage in food supplies in some countries, traders got encouraged to import from neighboring and also far countries to cover this shor- tage despite the increases in shipping prices, and we were successful in entering many new markets and now we have agents and distributors for our brand in those countries. You are a constantly growing investment group. Can you share with us your investment plans for the upcoming period? I would answer this question by imagining that our In- vestment Group is like a human body that has no choice but to grow over time and gain more experience and knowledge, we as a result always search for good new opportunities in our field to invest in and to grow our santraline dayanıyoruz. Üretim tesisleri için temiz enerji kullanmanın bir diğer avantajı da ödediğiniz enerji ma- liyetinin sabit olması. Diğer yandan devlet tarafından sağlanan fosil yakıt enerjisine bağımlıysanız, maliyetiniz her zaman dalgalanır. O maliyeti siz belirleyemezsiniz ve azaltamazsınız. Öte yandan Al-Hazaa için Yenilene- bilir Enerjiye ödediğimiz ücret uzun süredir sabit. Dünya, pandemiye bağlı olarak son iki yıldır çok zorlu ve olağanüstü bir dönemden geçiyor. Bu zor dönem Al-Hazaa Grubunu nasıl etkiledi? Yatırımları- nız pandemiden etkilendi mi? Tabii ki diğer tüm üreticiler gibi biz de COVID pande- misinden etkilendik ve bu pandeminin yol açtığı kapan- ma ve diğer zorluklar nedeniyle işletmelerimiz olumsuz etkilendi. Hellim gıdalarındaki tüm üretim hatları Büh- ler China tarafından tedarik ediliyor ve bardak noodle hattımızın kurulumu, teslimatta gecikmelere ve Çin ve İsviçre'den gelen ziyaretçiler için zorluklara sebep olan pandemiye bağlı olarak gecikti. Fiyat artışı ve tedarik zincirlerindeki aksaklıklar nedeniyle mevcut durum fi-
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