BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 52 May-Mayıs 2022

64 ARTICLE • MAKALE BBM / MAYIS 2022 • MAY 2022 Soil structure improves. The water-retaining capacity of the soil increases. The population and activity of microorganisms in the soil increase. Erosion is reduced. Fertilizer use is reduced. The health and quality of the soil improve. Plant productivity increases. Underground water resources are fed. Salinization of the soil is prevented. IN CARBON FARMS By mulching in carbon farms, the amount of organic car- bon lost in the soil is being increased. In the model carbon farms in Europe, organic carbon was increased by 450 kg per hectare annually. The main purpose of carbon farms is to balance carbon se- questration and humus formation. 58% of humus consists of organic carbon. The benefits of humic soil, which we learned in primary school, are countless. Likewise, some of the dark brown dust that is said to have come from the desert lately is none other than the soil of our drought-fighting country. Soils with low organic matter and humus are doomed to die. Humus feeds the living things in the soil, is the habitat of mi- croorganisms in the soil, and protects the groundwater. To increase organic matter; all plant, food, and forestry wastes should be brought together with the soil, bare soils should be planted, the level of tillage should be reduced and the soil should be processed without being battered. Organic matter and humus enable and improve the physi- cal, chemical, and biological properties of soils. It provides long-term storage of carbon in the soil. Humus is very impor- tant for balance. Dark-colored soil means high humus quality. There are many ways to increase humus. Animal blood and meat waste are being wasted although the nitrogen value and nutritional elements of each piece from head to toe are a source of healing for the soil. Operating a carbon farm is possible with the cooperation of many different disciplines such as agricultural engineers, soil chemists, plant biologists. Just like TİGEMs, which were established to teach scientific agriculture to Anatolia, Anatolian Carbon Farms should be es- tablished now. One for each ecosystem. Model "carbon farms" equipped with science, in which the soil is cultivated correctly, soil maintenance is carried out, and product planning is made, can carry Turkish agriculture into the future as well as to the world. Turkey's agricultural infrastructure and faculties were es- tablished with the most valuable scientists of the age as part of the vision of Ataturk's era. Today, we still have very valu- başkası değil. Organik madde ve humusu az olan topraklar ölmeye mahkûm, humus; topraktaki canlıları besler, toprak- taki mikroorganizmaların habitatıdır ve yer altı suyunu korur. Organik maddeyi artırmak için; tüm bitkisel, gıdasal ve ormansal atıklar toprakla buluşturulmalı, çıplak toprak- lar bitkilendirilmeli, toprak işleme seviyesi azaltılmalı ve toprak hırpalamadan işlenmeli. Organik madde ve humus, toprakların fiziksel, kim- yasal ve biyolojik özelliklerini kazanılmasını sağlıyor, iyileştiriyor. Karbonun toprakta uzun süreli depolanma- sını sağlıyor. Dengeyi sağlamak için humus çok önemli. Koyu renkli toprak humus özelliği yüksek demek. Hu- mus artırmanın pek çok yolu var, et kombinelerinden çıkan hayvan kanı ve etsel atıklar boşa gidiyor oysa saçından tırnağına her bir parçanın azot değeri, besin elementleri, toprak için şifa kaynağı. Karbon çiftliği işletmek ziraat mühendisleri, toprak kimyacıları, bitki biyologları gibi pek çok farklı disiplinin birlikte çalışmasıyla mümkün. Zamanında Anadolu’ya fenni tarımı öğretmek için ku- rulan TİGEM’ler gibi şimdi de Anadolu Karbon Çiftlikleri kurulmalı. Her ekosistem için bir adet. Bilim ile bezen- miş, toprağın doğru işlendiği, toprak bakımının yapıldığı, ürün planlamasının yapıldığı her yönüyle örnek “karbon çiftlikleri” Türkiye tarımını geleceğe de dünyaya da ta- şıyabilir.