BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 53 June - Haziran 2022
50 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ BBM / HAZİRAN 2022 • JUNE 2022 introduced the completely natural, 100% safe and FDI- approved GP Ozone disinfection system, which is a first in the world and does not bleach the flour, does not cre- ate nitrous oxide. In addition, we started to provide milling consultancy services with Elit Mill Inc., which was established within the Elit family. We added a new one to our works in this field in the past weeks, and we made our mark in the milling sector with the NCD New Generation Milling Sys- tem, which we developed with the slogan "This Flour is Another Flour". As Elit Food, we have a team that is capable of serving a flour factory at every point in the entire chain from wheat to laboratory, from mill to disinfection and final product, as can be understood from our slogan "An Elite Touch From Virgo To Bread". Could you provide some information on the NCD New Generation Milling System? Turkey has very important know-how in the milling indus- try and ranks 1st in the world in flour export. We have a very good knowledge of both manufacturing of mill- ing machines, establishing turnkey plant and diagrams, product development and R&D studies, production and sales of flour and bread additives. Turkey has become a country that exports sectoral information and services as well as flour exports. As Elit Food, we are proud to have a share in this accumulation and to contribute to the mill- ing industry of our country. What is NCD Next Generation Grinding System? The flour milling process all over the world consists of 5 stages. 1. Cleaning 2. Tempering 3. Grinding 4. Sieving 5. Packaging There is a phrase used in milling: Grinding starts with tempering and ends with tempering. With this phrase, it is very well emphasized on how important tempering is in the process. Based on this philosophy, we thought about what we could improve in this process and started our R&D studies from this point. Our project consists of 3 phases: Phase 1: The tempering process of flour mills has two stages. We do the first tempering with ozonated water. We both eliminate the negative effects of chlorine and purify our water from the microbial load with ozone. Phase 2: We perform the second tempering with a so- yazlatma özelliği olmayan, azotoksit oluşturmayan %100 güvenli ve dünyada bir ilk olan dezenfeksiyon sistemini (GP OZON) sektöre kazandırdık. Yine Elit Ailesinden Elit Mill A.Ş. çatısı altında, öğütme danışmanlığı konusunda hizmet vermeye başladık ve bu alandaki çalışmalarımıza geçtiğimiz haftalarda bir yenisini daha ekleyerek “Bu Un Başka Bir Un” slo- ganıyla geliştirdiğimiz NCD Yeni Nesil Öğütme Siste- mi ile sektöre adımızı yazdırdık. Elit Food olarak “Başaktan Una Elit Bir Dokunuş” slo- ganımızdan da anlaşılacağı gibi bu sektörün buğda- yından laboratuvarına, değirmeninden dezenfeksi- yonuna ve son ürüne kadar olan tüm zincirde bir un fabrikasına her noktada hizmet verebilecek yeterli- likte bir ekibe sahibiz. “Bu Un Başka Bir Un” sloganıyla geliştirdiğiniz Yeni Nesil Öğütme Sistemi NCD hakkında biraz bilgi verebilir misiniz? Türkiye, Değirmencilik Sektöründe çok önemli bir Know-How’a sahip ve dünyada un ihracatında 1. sıra- da. Gerek değirmen makinaları üretimi, fabrika kuru- lum ve diyagramı gerekse ürün geliştirme ve AR-GE
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