BBM Magazine Issue-Sayı: 55 August - Ağustos 2022
72 SPECIAL COVER • ÖZEL DOSYA BBM / AĞUSTOS 2022 • AUGUST 2022 enhance the lucrativeness of the market. In addition, increasing adoption of gluten-free diet even by the people without celiac dis- ease because of gluten causing intestinal symptoms is expected to directly influence the demand for gluten-free bread. Continued focus of manufacturers on improving the product quality and shelf life will possibly accelerate the gluten-free bread market growth. Rising awareness regarding the consumption of gluten-free diet and introduction of novel product varieties by manufacturers are some of the key factors influencing market growth. Present in grains such as wheat, barley and rye, gluten is a composite of storage proteins that are stored in the endosperm of the grains. The proteins are capable of irritating as well as dam- aging the intestinal villi which leads to medical complications such as prevention of nutrient absorption, bloating, wind, fatigue, low blood count and osteoporosis. This severe implications are categorized into coeliac disease, non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergy. While coeliac disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder, non-coeliac gluten sensitivity is referred to as intestinal sensitivity to gluten whereas wheat allergy refers to as immune reaction to any of the hundreds of protein present in wheat. As in-depth understanding of these diseases is lacking, con- sumption of gluten-free diet is the only available approach avail- able for the patients. Owing to which, manufacturers, especially bakery producers have launched plethora of gluten-free prod- ucts. As the effective treatment for gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity is yet to be discovered, demand for gluten-free prod- ucts including gluten-free bread is likely to increase in future. Past few decades have witnessed dramatic rise in number of people suffering from coeliac disease or gluten intolerance. Partly due to spread of awareness regarding physiological effects of gluten diet, diagnosis of the disease has increased. Further, people have become more aware of gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy than before. This has led to development of trend where consumers consciously monitor their quantities of gluten intake in their diet. They prefer food products that are highly monitored for their ingredients. Such products include gluten-free bread. In addition, several research studies have revealed improve- ment or total reversal of intestinal health with a regularly moni- tored gluten-free diet among gluten sensitive as well as gluten intolerant patients. Bread being a staple food across major world regions, demand for gluten-free bread is set to rise in future. NEW INNOVATIONS With the rising demand for gluten free products, bakery manu- facturers have introduced a variety of gluten free breads. Time pressed consumers are seeking for shorter meal preparation time as well as allergen-free food alternatives. Birçok fırın üreticisi, glütensiz ekmeği ürün hatlarına da- hil etmeye başladı ve bunun da pazarın karlılığını artırması bekleniyor. Glutenin bağırsak semptomlarına neden olması nedeniyle çölyak hastalığı olmayan kişiler tarafından bile glu- tensiz diyetin benimsenmesinin artmasının, glutensiz ekmek talebini doğrudan etkilemesi beklenmektedir. Üreticilerin ürün kalitesini ve raf ömrünü iyileştirmeye odaklanmaya de- vam etmesi, muhtemelen glütensiz ekmek pazarının büyü- mesini hızlandıracaktır. Glutensiz diyet tüketimi konusunda artan farkındalık ve üre- ticiler tarafından yeni ürün çeşitlerinin tanıtılması, pazar büyü- mesini etkileyen temel faktörlerden bazılarıdır. Buğday, arpa ve çavdar gibi tahıllarda bulunan glüten, ta- hılların endosperminde depolanan depolama proteinlerinin bir bileşimidir. Proteinler, besin emiliminin önlenmesi, şişkinlik, rüzgar, yorgunluk, düşük kan sayımı ve osteoporoz gibi tıbbi komplikasyonlara yol açan bağırsak villuslarını tahriş edebilir ve zarar verebilir.
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